New Video Shows Non-White Thief Seconds Before Shooting White Store Clerk

June 8, 2014

Harry Briggs was needlessly shot in the head several times during Wednesday’s robbery.

New surveillance video discovered by Eyewitness News shows a robbery suspect moments before he shot a store clerk.

The unidentified suspect shot 45-year-old Kicks 66 clerk Harry Briggs in the head during the robbery Wednesday night. Briggs has been on life support since the shooting. His family and friends are discussing the tough decision on whether to remove him from support.

In the meantime, detectives are working non-stop on every tip. They are looking closely at the new video, which captures the suspect on camera running down the street in a neighborhood near Lynhurst and Troy. Police believe it was recorded just seconds after he robbed the convenience store.

Detectives hope someone recognizes the man, who was wearing a gray, hooded sweatshirt, had earrings in both ears and a bandana covered by a Miami Heat ball cap. They hope someone recognizes his voice, captured on store security cameras as he yelled at the store clerks.

The robber was caught running away on video as well.

Briggs’ roommate, Randy Newkirk, was trained as a new clerk this year by Briggs himself. He is keeping the faith that police will find the shooter.

“They will get him. He will get it for what he has done. That’s all you can hope for,” Newkirk said.

Friends and customers have started a memorial outside the store where Briggs was shot. It now has more meaning, since Newkirk says his family has already made a tough decision.

“They are going to take him off life support tomorrow and take his body back to Virginia,” he said.

If you have information about the suspect, call Crime Stoppers at 262-TIPS.