Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2015

The sickening UN is hosting a weird party in New York, yet again, where world leaders will meet and jack each other off about a bunch of stuff no one cares about.
The focus is allegedly on Syria and the refugee crisis, but the lead-up to the official summit, which began on September 15th, has been less than serious.
They literally invited Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn to give statements about how people had hurt their feelings using mean words on the internet.

This actually happened, in real life.
In a report released yesterday, entitled “Cyber Violence Against Women And Girls: A Global Wake-up Call,” UN Women, the group behind last year’s risible “He for She” campaign, called on governments to use their “licensing prerogative” to ensure that “telecoms and search engines” are only “allowed to connect with the public” if they “supervise content and its dissemination.”
In other words, if search engines and ISPs don’t comply with a list of the UN’s censorship demands, the UN wants national governments to cut off their access to the public.
So, what sort of content does the UN want to censor? ISIS recruitment videos, perhaps, which lure women into lives of rape and servitude? Live-streamed executions from Syria? Revenge porn or snuff videos? There’s no shortage of dangerous and potentially traumatising content on the web, after all, much of it disproportionately affecting women.
Alas not. The UN is hung up on “cyber violence against women,” a Kafkaesque term that is apparently shorthand for “women being criticised on the internet.” At least, that’s how at least two attendees at the launch of the UN report, published by the United Nations Broadband Commission, explained it yesterday.
According to feminist culture critic Anita Sarkeesian, who spoke at the event, online “harassment” doesn’t simply consist of what is “legal and illegal,” but “also the day-to-day grind of ‘you’re a liar’ and ‘you suck,’ including all of these hate videos that attack us on a regular basis.”
Editor’s note: It is a factual statement that these people are both liars, and at least Zoe is a confirmed sucker, having sucked-off many a journalist in order to get good reviews for her stupid “not supposed to be fun” games.
Unable to prove that they are the victims of a wave of “misogynistic hate” – no bomb threat against a feminist critic of video games has ever been deemed credible and there are serious doubts about threats supposedly levelled at transsexual activist Brianna Wu – feminists are trying to redefine violence and harassment to include disobliging tweets and criticisms of their work.
Here is the official 70 page report on stopping women from getting their feelings hurt.
Key findings:
- An estimated 73 per cent of women have already been exposed to, or have experienced, some form of online violence.
- Women in the age range of 18 to 24 are uniquely likely to experience stalking and sexual harassment in addition to physical threats.
- Nine million women in the European Union’s 28 countries alone have experienced online violence as young as 15 years old.
- One in five female Internet users live in countries where harassment and abuse of women online is extremely unlikely to be punished.
- In many countries women are reluctant to report their victimization for fear of social repercussions.
- Cyber VAWG puts a premium on emotional bandwidth, personal and workplace time, financial resources and missed wages.
Key recommendations:
- Sensitization – Preventing cyber VAWG through training, learning, campaigning and community development to promote changes in in social attitudes and behavior.
- Safeguards – Implementing oversight and maintaining a responsible Internet infrastructure through technical solutions and more informed customer care practices
- Sanctions – Develop and uphold laws, regulations and governance mechanisms to deter perpetrators from committing these acts.
Basically, they want to shut down the entire internet because people are making fun of them.
And, as we reported yesterday, they invited Clock Boy to speak to world leaders about racism in Texas.

This is the same UN that invited the parents of Michael Brown to speak after their son was murdered in cold blood for attacking a cop about his having just robbed a Paki store.

Please note that in 70 years, the UN has accomplished absolutely nothing whatsoever, save causing general anger and annoyance, globally.
The United Nations General Assembly opened on Monday with all eyes on the war in Syria and the twin crises it has helped spawn: the unyielding spread of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, and the surge of refugees from the region into Europe.
“Inequality is growing, trust is fading, and impatience with leadership can be seen and felt far and wide,” Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in formally convening the General Assembly’s 70th annual session.
Leaders of the world’s most powerful nations were speaking in the morning, including President Obama, followed by Presidents Xi Jinping of China, Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and François Hollande of France.
President Hassan Rouhani of Iran, which is among Syria’s most dogged allies, was scheduled to step up to the lectern in the morning as well, along with King Abdullah II of Jordan, whose country is swelling with 630,000 registered Syrian refugees.
Mr. Obama was due to meet with Mr. Putin later on Monday, but there appeared to be little prospect of a handshake between Mr. Obama and Mr. Rouhani. The Iranian mission announced on Monday that Mr. Rouhani would cut short his visit to New York and return to Iran a day early, just after his speech to the General Assembly, to be present when the bodies of about 130 Iranian victims of the stampede near Mecca are flown home on Tuesday.
The UN General Assembly strategy:
Put a bunch of world leaders in the same building
People give speeches
People eat nice foods
What a stupid organization.
I can’t imagine why Putin decided to go (for the first time in ten years) unless he is planning some massive IRL trolling.
Washington Post (AKA The Guardian US edition) has this completely objective statement on the upcoming Obama-Putin meeting:
Their relationship is as frosty as ever. Russia, invoking the specter of ISIS as an excuse to prop up murderous dictator Bashar al-Assad, has deployed hundreds of soldiers, 28 fighter jets, helicopters, tanks and artillery into Syria.
The show of military power seems mainly designed to distract both the West and Putin’s own people from the mess he’s created in Ukraine, which triggered damaging economic sanctions.
Wait, what?
Regardless of why he’s doing it, Putin’s engagement has made Syria’s multi-front and multi-player war even more chaotic and complicated to solve. We’ve come a long way since Obama drew that meaningless “red line” in August 2012.
Ahead of his sit-down with Obama, Putin mocked the failure of U.S. efforts to arm Syrian rebels on “60 Minutes.” In an interview with Charlie Rose that aired last night, the Russian pointedly mentioned embarrassing revelations about a costly three-year program to train and equip moderate rebels fighting Assad. Last week, it emerged that one rebel commander handed over a substantial part of the U.S.-provided military equipment to an Islamic State intermediary. “The initial aim was to train 5,000 to 6,000 fighters, then 12,000, but it turns out that only 60 were trained and only four or five are actually fighting,” Putin said. “All the others simply ran away with their American weapons to Islamic State!”
Here’s the Charlie Rose interview:
60 minutes had to build a special chair for Putin to sit in, because “his balls are so massive and heavy, the legs of normal chairs, even steel chairs, will collapse as soon as he sits down.”
Inspiration for the design was based on the Iron Throne from the HBO series “Game of Thrones,” CBS reported.

Putin even had some nice things to say about America during the interview.
Charlie Rose: What do you admire most about America?
President Putin: I like the creativity.
Charlie Rose: Creativity?
President Putin: Creativity when it comes to your tackling problems. Their openness, openness and open-mindedness. Because it allows them to unleash the inner potential of their people. And thanks to that, America has attained such amazing results in developing their country.
I’m just going to assume he was picturing the Daily Stormer when he said this.
Or perhaps this clip from Rick and Morty.
The full transcript is here.
Here’s what happened the last time Obama met with Putin:
At time of writing, Vlad hasn’t spoken yet, but we’ll post the speech when it’s up.