New York: Imams Calling for Destruction of Israel, Calling Out Christians for Being Obsessed with Gay Anal

Aren’t these churches that say “Jews are the chosen ones” totally filled up with faggots now?

I don’t know. I don’t go to these churches. But based on what I’ve read, I assume they are all flying the rainbow flag while calling for the US military to protect the Jews from terror toddlers.

Certainly, Donald Trump is the lead figure in the “protect Israel” movement, and he is a rainbow faggot-lover and an abortion monger, now talking about “protecting women’s reproductive rights.”

New York Post:

A Brooklyn Muslim cleric who once partnered with New York Mayor Eric Adams on a campaign to end hate is now spreading it by calling for the annihilation of Israel, The Post has learned.

Meanwhile, one of his counterparts at a mosque in the Bronx has taken to blasting “Zionist Hollywood” and Christians for packing their churches with LGBTQ worshippers, whom he claims they are recruiting to bolster dwindling congregations.

As the Israeli war against Hamas in Gaza continues, imam Sheikh Muhammad Al-Barr, called on Allah at his Bay Ridge mosque to “liberate Palestine from the occupiers and the plunderers” during a Friday service earlier this month.

“Oh Allah, annihilate those who occupied their lands, and those who betrayed and deserted them, and those who spilled their blood,” Al-Barr said in Arabic August 12 at the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge’s Masjid ibn Umair.

The pro-Hamas comments in Bay Ridge came three days after an imam at the Islamic Center of Rockland County called for “the destruction of the Zionist Jews,” according to a translation by MEMRI TV.

“Oh Allah, seize them with a crushing grip,” the unnamed imam continued.

The Rockland County mosque apologized for the visiting imam’s sermon following complaints from local Jewish groups and elected officials.

“On August 9, during a sermon at our masjid, a guest imam delivered several hurtful statements that included a prayer to God for the destruction of Zionist Jews as part of the conflict in Gaza,” the Islamic Center said in a statement.

“We unequivocally condemn these statements. We sincerely apologize for any pain caused by these remarks and will ensure that our platform is not used to promote these types of harmful messages going forward.”

Oh, wow.

Who’s gay now?

I understand these people don’t want to be cracked down on, but how can you apologize for that?

In a live stream at the Muslim America Society’s Bronx Muslim Center in July, an unidentified imam said that Christians and Jews were jealous of Muslims, and that Christians were forced to allow LGBTQ into churches to bolster their numbers.

Because your congregation is leaving, you would rather get the homosexuals inside your churches because the regular people aint coming, so you have to fill them in with them,” said the unnamed imam, adding that Muslims “are the best of nations” and that’s why Jews want to kill them.

Note: It’s not to boost numbers. That is his own agenda, saying Christianity is collapsing and Islam is dominating. In reality, the numbers at church are dwindling because no one is interested in going to be lectured about anal fisting and how we should kill all the Arab kids for the sake of the sickening blood-drinking Jews.

It’s also not clear that Jews want to kill Moslems because they are the best. I think Jews want to kill them to take their land and dominate the region. That is not a comment on the quality of the nations.

Further, you could argue that Jews have already destroyed Christian nations, as virtually all formerly Christian nations are now anal hellscapes.