Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 16, 2015

Yeah, Jews still do animal sacrifice rituals.
They do it a lot, actually, and the purpose always seems to be to make the animal suffer as much as possible before death.
A Manhattan judge has denied an injunction that sought to halt the ritual chicken slaughter performed annually by Orthodox Jews, called “Kaporos,” according to ABC New York and Newsday.
A group of Brooklyn residents calling themselves The Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos filed a lawsuit against various Jewish institutions and leaders in August. They hoped to save the 50,000 chickens expected to be slaughtered during the upcoming Yom Kippur holiday in late September.
On Monday, Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Debra James reportedly ruled that the ritual can go forward as planned.
In the Kaporos ritual, believers clutch live chickens by their feet and swing them overhead while reciting prayers — a process that is believed to transfer man’s sins to a chicken. Afterward, the chickens are brutally slaughtered, and the believers thus absolved of their transferred sins.
Opponents of the ritual have said it turns Brooklyn sidewalks into “makeshift slaughterhouses” and creates a public health “epidemic” by exposing nearby residents to “the stench, the litter, the filth, the flood, the feces, the feathers.”
An attorney for Rabbi Shea Hecht, named in the lawsuit, argued to the New York Daily News that “you don’t get sick from inhaling chickens” and that “this is make-believe hysteria about something that doesn’t exist.”
On Monday, Karen Davis, president of the alliance’s parent group, United Poultry Concerns, told Patch: “I’m completely disappointed with her ruling, but I can’t say I’m surprised, just because of the nature of things.“
I dunno, Rabbi. Getting a bit hysterical about watching people shout and torture animals out on the street as part of a weird Middle East satanist ritual seems rather reasonable.
I mean this is, like, a really weird thing to do.
It just isn’t something that normal people consider appropriate in a civilized society.
I mean, animal rights and public health and so on aside, it’s just kinda creepy.
Can’t you guys just go do this in your own country, and leave us out of it?
But I dunno. Maybe we are just being hysterical.
Maybe it’s because, on some level, we remember when you used to do it to us.
But we all know you’ve changed your ways now, and just focus on the chickens.