Daily Stormer
July 30, 2014

What sort of a people mutilates the genitals of babies and then performs a homosexual sex act on them, using the excuse their god told them to do so?
These people are more gross than the Muslims.
At least this Jew baby-penis sucking is finally getting some mainstream coverage.
Two New York infants were diagnosed with herpes after undergoing an ultra-Orthodox Jewish circumcision ritual, according to reports.
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene said both baby boys developed lesions on their genitals following the metzitzah b’peh, the practice where the mohel, or circumciser, uses oral suction to remove blood from the circumcision wound, the Jewish Daily Forward reported. The Health Department sent an alert to doctors last week warning them of suspected cases, the newspaper said.
Since 2000, 16 infants in New York City — including three this year — are suspected of contracting the virus after “direct orogenital suction,” according to the Health Department.
Two died and at least two others suffered brain damage.
Following a 2012 HSV-1 outbreak, the Health Department attempted to regulate the practice, requiring mohels to obtain written parental consent, “which would provide information about the risks involved, including possible infection with herpes simplex virus and its potentially serious consequences, such as brain damage and death,” the rule stated.
Some Orthodox groups opposed the regulation, arguing it violated religious freedom, according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. But a federal judge upheld the regulation in 2013.