Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 2, 2017
The push alert system for our mobile app was compromised this evening. Please accept our apologies.
— New York Post (@nypost) April 2, 2017
Anglin’s Law says that all anti-Trump memes automatically become pro-Trump memes, within seconds of when they are created.
“Grab em by the pussy” is the most infamous example of Anglin’s Law. The most recent example is “Trump Truck.”
Yesterday’s NYP app hacking was I think meant to be anti-Trump, but I don’t even know. That’s the second part of Anglin’s Law – you can’t tell if a meme is meant to be anti-Trump unless someone tells you it is, because all anti-Trump memes appear to be pro-Trump. Even when someone tells you it’s anti-Trump, you can’t really believe them because they are probably trolling you.
The New York Post app has been hacked on April Fools’ Day, sending out push alert notifications that included “Heil President Donald Trump.”
The Post apologized Saturday night, shortly after its app sent out a series of alerts. The Post said in a follow-up alert: “Our push alert notification system was compromised this evening. We are working to resolve the issue. Please accept our apologies.”
The messages appeared directed at Trump. One message said, “Open your heart to those you do not understand and listen to all those you fear and look down upon.”
The alerts even included lyrics from Nirvana’s song “Come As You Are”: “Take your time, hurry up, the choice is yours, but dont be late…”
Yeah, see, I mean – I don’t know what the goal was.
Apparently, they are taking it to mean that the hackers were mocking the Post for supporting Trump, who is like Hitler. But if I got this push alert, I would be like “HELL YES, HEIL TRUMP, HEIL OUR PEOPLE, HEIL VICTORY.”
The “open your hearts…” bit – well, that could refer to Nazis. Nazis and whites in general are definitely feared and looked down upon.
The Nirvana lyrics are just “lolwut,” but obviously Nirvana is mostly a right-wing band. It is a band from the youth of milllennials, who are all now right-wing trolls.
It’s also possible the NYP did this themselves as a form of viral marketing for their app. I’m sitting here myself thinking about installing it.
Verdict: Doesn’t matter.