New York Post Whines About “Leftists” Spreading “Conspiracy Theories” That Trump Assassination Attempt was Fake

We should have a public discussion about the possibility that the Trump shooting was staged.

Personally, I tend to think it was staged. That is the simplest explanation for the whole thing.

But regardless: on principle, we should have free and open debate about everything. It is terrible to see supposed right-wingers doing the same left-wing thing and shutting down discussion by claiming it is morally abominable to ask questions about a very important public event.

New York Post:

Over a month after the attempt on former president Donald Trump’s life, left-wing conspiracy theories claiming that the shooting was staged still pervade social media on platforms like X — where they are racking up millions of views.

Hashtags like “#Staged,” “#StagedbyTrump,” or “#StagedAssassinationAttempt” continue to see hundreds of deranged posts across social media daily — many of them posted by proudly anti-Trump and left-leaning accounts.

It’s not actually “deranged” if they think this.

This is the same thing they did to Alex Jones and others who questioned the Sandy Hoaxsters. If you think the thing is staged, that is what you believe. You’re not pro-murder.

One anti-Trump poster asks simply “Who else thinks the Trump campaign staged this?” with a video of the aftermath of the shooting. It has 8.4 million views and more than 20,000 comments — most of them agreeing with the premise.

The part he clipped was indeed very strange.

At that point, the Secret Service would not know if there was another shooter or even if the original shooter was down – but for some reason they allowed Trump to do a little show? Why?

Protocol would be to physically remove Trump. If he resisted, they would pick him up. That would be the normal course of action. Once the shooting starts, the VIP looses his authority and his autonomy until he is confirmed to be safe.

“The Real Story … Trump campaign hired the kid to fire into the crowd but avoid hitting Trump to stage a fake assassination attempt and then blame Democrats, possibly to start a civil war … They knew the kid wouldn’t survive to tell the story,” reads one image that’s been repeatedly reposted across X.

Well, I don’t agree with that.

But hey – there are no stupid questions.

We should be able to talk about anything without it becoming a moral outrage.

Photos of Trump’s ear since the bandages have been removed also play a central role in the conspiracy theories — and are frequently paired alongside images of grisly ear wounds as supposed evidence that he wasn’t really shot.

“What kind of assassination of an ex president allows you to straighten out your wig, scream for your shoe lifts and stand long enough for photos. Fake fake fake; not fight fight fight,” one X poster — who describes themselves as “woke AF” — wrote on Sunday.

This is good.

Even if it’s not true, it is good to ask questions and not believe things as they are presented by the media.

The shooting photos sure as hell look like PR material.

Regardless of what anyone thinks, everyone should be able to agree that it is better to ask questions and doubt what the media claims.

Conservatives usually do this. But now they are doing the same thing they did when people started complaining about Jews – they adopt the leftist cancel culture playbook to shut down dissent.

Conservative activists who claimed to be free speech absolutists now say it should be illegal to criticize Jews. Just so, conservatives who questioned media events now say it’s a moral abomination to question the Trump shooting.

What is the Post trying to do by whining about these tweets? It sure looks like they’re calling on Elon to censor people who are asking questions about the narrative surrounding this alleged assassination attempt.

As for my part, I don’t really think it matters if the assassination was fake or not. I think it was fake, but I know a lot of people disagree, and I don’t think it’s important. Also, I can’t prove it is fake. I can just prove that this is the simplest explanation for the events.