New York Times: Russia is Killing Off Kike Spies in Kremlin!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 25, 2018

Finally! Seems like Russia is finally getting serious about fighting back.

New York Times:

In 2016, American intelligence agencies delivered urgent and explicit warnings about Russia’s intentions to try to tip the American presidential election — and a detailed assessment of the operation afterward — thanks in large part to informants close to President Vladimir V. Putin and in the Kremlin who provided crucial details.

LMAO. I rarely read the NY Times. Nice to see that they’re still going 100% full steam ahead with this Russia thing. So now, they’re claiming that CIAniggers knew that the Russians were about to “hack” the election. Which begs the question: why didn’t they do anything about it? Were they really that incompetent? Is that what you’re trying to say, NY Times? That the Deep State defenders of democracy aren’t earning their paychecks?

Tsk tsk. Think before you speak. You get tangled up in your own Talmudic logic otherwise.

But two years later, the vital Kremlin informants have largely gone silent, leaving the C.I.A. and other spy agencies in the dark about precisely what Mr. Putin’s intentions are for November’s midterm elections, according to American officials familiar with the intelligence.

LMAO again. “He hacked us once, and he’ll hack us again!!!” And still, the most bloated and overpowered intelligence apparatus invented by man won’t be able to do anything about it. Oh and gib more money, please.

The officials do not believe the sources have been compromised or killed. Instead, they have concluded they have gone to ground amid more aggressive counterintelligence by Moscow, including efforts to kill spies, like the poisoning in March in Britain of a former Russian intelligence officer that utilized a rare Russian-made nerve agent.

So the guy living in London, who sold Russia out for chump change and who sat around drinking his fat bald head off for the last decade was also, actually, spying on the Kremlin at the same time. From London. After the Russians figured out he was a British spy. He still was spying on the Kremlin though. Logic.

Current and former officials also said the expulsion of American intelligence officers from Moscow has hurt collection efforts. And officials also raised the possibility that the outing of an F.B.I. informant under scrutiny by the House intelligence committee — an examination encouraged by President Trump — has had a chilling effect on intelligence collection.

HAHAHA. This one is rich. Russia has booted out NGOs and State Dept. employees. Are these the intelligence officers that the NY Times is referring to? This is lulzy AF.

It seems like the NY Times is confirming what all these “axis of evil” countries have been saying for years about the US. That all these organizations, Peace Corps, Democracy endowments, diplomatic corps – that these people are all spies. Which they definitely are. 

Technology companies and political campaigns in recent weeks have detected a plethora of political interference efforts originating overseas, including hacks of Republican think tanks and fake liberal grass-roots organizations created on Facebook. Senior intelligence officials, including Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, have warned that Russians are intent on subverting American democratic institutions.

But American intelligence agencies have not been able to say precisely what are Mr. Putin’s intentions: He could be trying to tilt the midterm elections, simply sow chaos or generally undermine trust in the democratic process. 

Maybe all three?

Another thing. 

About spies. There still are enough spies in the Kremlin and in Russia, plenty to go around. Every single kike that started moving back into Russia from the West after the collapse of the USSR is basically spying now or has the potential to spy in the future. They might not even spy directly for the Americans. Most of the time, they spy for Israel. And then the information is bought by the US.

And the Russians probably do the same, buying info from kikes in the US with connections to Israel.

As always, the Jews benefit from two goy nations fighting one another, purveying information and influence all the while.

I feel like I should enter a scheming merchant meme right here… but it’s oh so tiresome at this point.

Anyways. The bullshit continues for a little bit longer.

The United States continues to intercept Russian communication, and the flow of that intelligence remains strong, said current and former officials. And Russian informants could still meet their C.I.A. handlers outside Russia, further from Moscow’s counterintelligence apparatus.

But people inside or close to the Kremlin remain critical to divining whether there is a strategy behind seemingly scattershot efforts to undermine American institutions.

Spies and informants overseas also give American intelligence agencies early warning about influence campaigns, interference operations or other attempts to compromise the United States. That information, in turn, can improve the ability of domestic agencies, like the Department of Homeland Security and the F.B.I., to quickly identify and attempt to stop those efforts.

Because clandestine meetings can take months to set up and complete, a lengthy lag can pass before the C.I.A. realizes a key source has gone silent, according to former officials. It is rare for the agency to discover immediately that informants have eroded or are running scared. Only after several missed meetings might C.I.A. officers and analysts conclude that a source has decided it is too dangerous to pass information. 

Ermmm… should they be revealing all this stuff to us? Confirming that they’re actively spying on Russia? That CIAniggers meet up with sources while they’re abroad? Telling the Russians that whatever it is that they’re doing, they should keep doing more of it, because it’s pretty successful so far?

In their rush to pin something on Russia and Trump, it’s like they’ve thrown all caution to the wind.

Can you imagine Russia publishing articles gloating about their spy operations on the White House?

Here, one last little bit, worth reading in full:

Intelligence collection appears to have suffered after Russia expelled officials from American diplomatic outposts there in retaliation for the United States removing 60 Russian officials this year, said John Sipher, a 28-year veteran of the C.I.A. who served in Moscow in the 1990s and later ran the agency’s Russia program.

LOL. Confirmed!

The C.I.A.’s Moscow presence, according to former officers, was always small, at least in light of the importance of the target, the difficulty of spycraft and the amount of counterintelligence the Russians dedicated to thwarting American spies.

“The Russians kicked out a whole bunch of our people,” Mr. Sipher said. “Our station in Moscow is probably really small now and they are under incredible surveillance.”

Mr. Putin has also said he is intent on killing so-called traitors, comments he made just ahead of the high-profile assassination attempt of the former Russian intelligence officer, Sergei V. Skripal.

“The Russians are very focused and upset,” Mr. Sipher said. “They have shown they are willing to kill sources.”

Informants close to Putin are very rare, according to current and former officials. The United States, in recent years, has had only a few, and at times been reliant on only one or two for the most important insights on Mr. Putin, according to former officials. If those people go silent for their own protection, it can make it very hard for the agency to look inside Moscow.

The United States still should have a clear view of Mr. Putin’s strategies and intention to interfere in the elections, said Michael Carpenter, a Russia expert and former Obama administration official. He pointed to fake social media accounts created as part of Russian intelligence operations that have drummed up support for white nationalists and the Black Lives Matter movement, and have supported far right, far left and pro-Russian candidates in the United States and in Europe. 


If the Russians were playing for keeps, they would do way more than they’re doing now, that’s for sure.

Anyways, thanks for the laugh NY Times. I needed it.