New York: Uppity Sheboon Assaults White Woman on Nog-Infested Subway

Thanks to a certain tribe of (((hook-nosed, nation-wrecking, Christ-killing, tapir-faced parasites))), who I won’t name, most major US cities now resemble human zoos.

Nowhere is this demographic decline more apparent than on public transport, where the armies of Mordor routinely taunt and assault whites – often with impunity.

New York Post:

A woman was put in a chokehold and hit over the head with a cellphone by an angry mom while both were riding the subway earlier this month, cops said.

The 50-year-old victim was on a Queens-bound E train on Nov. 1 when her 8-year-old son asked her why another child on the train was wearing a costume, according to police.

The mother of the costumed child then got upset and confronted the victim.

“Tell your f–king son not to disrespect my child,” the suspect said, according to a police source.

The angry mom, wearing eyeglasses and braided hair, began to repeatedly smack the victim over the head with her phone in a subway attack caught on video.

A second suspect, wearing a blue jacket and red baseball cap, also allegedly put the woman in a chokehold, cops said.

The chokehold, however, could not be seen in the video footage.