New Zealand: Kiwis Happy They will Soon be a Minority in Their Own Country

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 19, 2014

Goodbye, blue skies.
Goodbye, blue skies.

Even White countries as obscure as New Zealand are being invaded and conquered by foreign hordes, and will soon be a minority in their own country.

Apparently, they are really happy about it too.

New Zealand Herald:

White Europeans could lose majority status in Auckland in the next few years as the combined population of Asians, Pacific Islanders and Maori increases, Statistics New Zealand figures indicate.

While the city’s population was 76 per cent white European in 1976, projections show it will be 51 per cent in 2016, with further reductions in later years.

Nearly 70 per cent of Aucklanders in a Herald street poll said they were comfortable with the changing face of the city.

Massey University sociology professor Paul Spoonley, who made the Auckland population projection based on Statistics NZ figures, said it was a matter of “when” rather than “if” minority communities combined would outnumber white Europeans in Auckland.

Ah, but it is 70 per cent of “Aucklanders” who are in favor of the destruction of this nation by foreign hordes. And half of those living in Auckland are foreigners.

I wonder what percentage of Whites support the end of their own nation?