New Zealand: Nearly Half the Population has a File in a Police Database

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 15, 2019

The slutty Islamic occupation government of New Zealand has police alerts out on 2 million people. The country’s entire population is less than 5 million.

What exactly is going on in this country?

NZ Herald:

Nearly two million people appear in a New Zealand police intelligence system with an alert against their name, inquiries by the Otago Daily Times have revealed. Those in the database are generally flagged without their knowledge, and a leading security analyst says the broad sweep of the system raises privacy concerns. George Block reports.

Has your driver’s licence ever been cancelled? Vetted by police recently? Do you have a firearms licence?

Then chances are you appear in the police National Intelligence Application (NIA) with at least one alert against your name.

Police can apply 126 different “person alerts”, including flags for firearms licence holders, people known by police to be HIV (AIDS) positive, and alerts for paedophiles and convicted murderers.

This all adds up: 1,988,963 people in New Zealand have at least one alert against their name – just over 40 per cent of the population at an average of 1.7 alerts per person, according to figures obtained under the Official Information Act by the Otago Daily Times.

In Otago and Southland, 112,459 (34 per cent) of people have an alert against their name.

The most common alert is “Vetting Monitor”, at 740,000 alerts on 570,000 people nationally.

Police general manager professionalism and assurance Mike Webb said this alert was placed on people to indicate they had been checked out by the police vetting service.

Alerts for “Family Violence Involvement” were the next most commonly applied, at 640,000 active alerts on 295,000 people.

Webb said people were automatically flagged when linked to a family harm incident, whether as a suspected offender, victim or a witness.

The third most frequently applied alert was a flag for people whose photo driver licence card was cancelled (430,000).

Some alerts expire quickly, but others linger for life.

Police assurance group national crime registrar Mike Rawsthorn said the “Missing Person” alert expired when the person was found.

Flags for family violence involvement expire two years after police attend the incident, he said.

But alerts for suicidal tendency and using/carrying firearms are indefinite, and only expire if they were errors.

Locations and vehicles can also be flagged, for example gang pads or stolen vehicles – one of the more colourful flags in the extensive list is the location alert for “booby traps“.

Firearms licence flags are generated and applied automatically, only expiring with the licence, and non-citizens can be flagged.

The upshot of that is there is every chance the Christchurch terror accused had an alert against his name.

Generally people were not notified when an alert was placed against their name in the NIA system, but each case was judged on its merits.

However, at-risk family violence victims might be informed an alert was placed on them, their home, vehicle and telephone number to advise staff of the risk and assist police response, Rawsthorn said.

The NIA alert system plays an important part in the duties of frontline police.

When deployed to an unfolding incident, a call will come over the radio to advise officers of the flags of the person or location involved so they can respond accordingly.

For example, if a person has flags for assaulting police, they may call for backup on a routine traffic stop.

The system is also accessible from police mobile phones.

The intelligence application, which replaced NZ Police’s Whanganui Computer, is far more than just a database of flags and includes information on criminal histories, offences, incidents and case management files.

Since it became operational in 2001, there have been several instances of police misusing the system.

In August 2009, figures showed 33 staff had been caught making unauthorised checks of the NIA since August 2007, The NZ Herald reported.

Nine later resigned.

Two years later, a police internal investigation found Senior Constable Terry Beatson leaked information from the system to win a custody battle with his wife’s ex-husband, opening the man’s file 17 times in four years.

There have also been repeated instances of police improperly accessing a database in the South in recent years.

This is effectively a prototype of a government system that keeps an open file on every single member of the society.

Apparently, New Zealand is a rat laboratory for forwarding a global police state agenda.

It isn’t surprising that this country was also used for a test of trying to convince the entire population to convert to Islam, which was even weirder than this database.

People saw the QUEEN CUNT of this country calling for mass conversions to Islam by the white population of the country and they were like “WAIT WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE???” But then it was dismissed as just some weird thing going on in a weird country that no one ever thinks about.

But they are linked into this system. Of course they are. They literally had a Jew Prime Minister, New Zealand.

And apparently, because this is an obscure country, they are using it to test these programs. Putting everyone in the country on a police database is a test for the rest of the world, the government calling for the entire population to convert to Islam is a test for the rest of the world.

I’m going to start paying a lot more attention to New Zealand, and I advise you do the same.