New Zealand Says Kim Dotcom Can be Extradited

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2017

Kim Dotcom, AKA The Uncucked German, has just lost his case against extradition to the US from New Zealand.


The founder of the now-defunct file-sharing site Megaupload faced a significant setback in his piracy battle in the New Zealand High Court today, with Justice Murray Gilbert finding Dotcom and his co-accused eligible for extradition to the United States over copyright offences.

The United States Government has been fighting for the extradition of Dotcom, alongside Mathias Ortmann, Bram van der Kolk and Finn Batato, since 2012. The group are wanted for trial in the US on 13 counts, including copyright infringement, conspiracy to commit racketeering, money laundering and wire fraud.

The US Department of Justice and the FBI shut down Megaupload in 2012, charging the site’s operators with the piracy-related offences. Officials seized $42 million in assets and raided Dotcom’s mansion, but as a New Zealand resident, Dotcom was able to escape the grasp of US authorities.

Now, the New Zealand High Court has upheld a previous decision by the country’s District Court, clearing the way for the four to be extradited and face charges in the US.

But in a twist for a legal battle that is regarded as one the most significant piracy cases in recent years, the four men also had a small victory.

Justice Gilbert found that “making copyright works available to members of the public via the internet” is not criminalised under the New Zealand Copyright Act — contrary to the earlier findings of the District Court. According to a statement from the High Court, the four men had therefore “succeeded with one of the main planks of their case.”

Despite this finding, Justice Gilbert noted that the same conduct was an offence under the Crimes Act. He also found that one of the counts faced by the men, conspiracy to commit copyright infringement, “amounts to a conspiracy to defraud” which is an extradition offence under the US-New Zealand Treaty.

This sets a relatively extreme precedent, because Kim Dotcom did nothing wrong. If someone used his site to do something wrong, that is on them.

Megaupload was a filesharing site. All he was doing was hosting files. Obviously the US court will find him guilty, if he is sent there, but he isn’t in custody, so he should obviously flee.

But I mean. Dude’s got like six kids. He likes the Asia crap, but Thailand already extradited him once. He’s got a Filipino wife, but Flips is making up with the US right now and generally will extradite anyone. Cambodia already extradited the Pirate Bay guy. He was convicted of some sort of fraud in Hong Kong. So his options would be like, Malaysia/Indonesia or I guess Burma, which are places no one wants to live.

But also, no one wants to live in a US prison cell. So he’d better go now.

Ain’t nobody wants to go to trial for copyright infringement in the JewSA.

Maybe Trump can pardon him?

I’m guessing that probably isn’t something he wants to go to war over.