Newark: Negro Anti-Violence Rally Turns Violent

Daily Stormer
January 7, 2016

You have to be, like, super-oppressed in order to make an anti-violence rally into a violent brawl.

The fact that Blacks do this constantly just proves, once and for all, how completely oppressed they are.


A rally to end violence turned violent itself Wednesday as a brawl broke out on the steps of Newark City Hall.

Members and supporters of the Elizabeth-based United Youth Council were heckled by a group of local activists who were against a neighboring city’s activists standing in front of City Hall calling for ways to reduce violence, WCBS 880’s Levon Putney reported.

“You have been a loudmouth in north New Jersey for 20 years, and you ain’t solved nothing,” one heckler told a speaker.

The shouting then turned to pushing, punches and wrestling on the steps.

“It makes it look bad,” one woman said. ” … They’re fighting against each other when they can’t even get together to fix the problem and the solution in this town. That’s craziness.”

The fight was over by the time police arrived.
