Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 9, 2014
Before Louis Head, stepdad of dead cigar thief, gangster rapper and cop-attacker Michael Brown, got up on stage and demanded that the gathered Blacks “burn this bitch down” he said if he did get up on stage, he was going to start a riot.
The video, recorded by Al Jazeera just after the decision of the grand jury was announced, shows Brown’s fat mama whining and head can be heard saying “If I get up there, I’m going to start a riot.”
St. Louis County police said they are investigating Head’s comments, but it is unclear what there is to investigate. It is on video, and head is not denying it. Regardless of the fact that the Blacks would have rioted anyway, Head was clearly inciting a riot when he said “burn this bitch down,” and we now have him admitting to purposefully doing this.
Though what matters here is the criminal intent, I would also mention that Blacks may not have thought to burn things, and instead simply looted and attacked Whites, if it were not for the imagery of fire brought to the crowd by head.
The fact that this man is not sitting in jail right now is just more proof of the bizarre phenomenon of Black privilege, wherein people with black or brown colored skin have special rights to commit crimes with impunity in America.