NEWS ON A PLANE: Pajeeta Removed from Flight for Calling Negro Pilot a Racist Word

This is the stuff of nightmares.

Imagine sitting inside a plane, a sophisticated aircraft that’s about to take you 30,000 feet above the ground, only to discover at the last minute that the pilot is as dark as coal, twice as stupid and pronounces “ask” as “ax.”

Wouldn’t you be a little pissed with the airline, knowing that they’re happy to entrust their passengers’ lives to a prehistoric cannibal?

I would be. And so was an Indian woman on a recent South African flight, who made her thoughts known in a private text to her husband.

Alas, blacks have no respect for privacy. The moment she typed a mean word into her phone, a nosy negro reverend chimped out and had her booted off the flight.

It’s probably for the best. I’m 99% sure that that flight ended up crashing.

Before liftoff.


The Indian woman who referred to a black flight captain and passengers with the k-word has admitted to her crime and blames it on frustration.

Alochna Moodley, 26, who works in Midrand, Johannesburg, called two black passengers, Reverend Solumuzi Mabuza and Sibusiso Magubane, as well as captain Menzi Mvelase by the k-word in an SMS on a flight from OR Tambo International to King Shaka Airport on Friday night.

I’m ashamed to admit it took me a few moments before I realized what “k-word” meant. The first word to enter my head was “kike,” but then I thought, “while nig-kikes do exist, most people tend to just call them niggers.”

After reading ahead and learning that this occurred in South Africa, I finally realized it meant “kaffir.”

Kaffir is an underrated slur. It’s basically the new nigger: short, punchy and has connotations of servitude, but is yet to be claimed by Westernized blacks, so it packs a fresh racial sting.

My resolution this month is to use “kaffir” more often.

She was called out by Mabuza, who was seated next to her and saw her typing the k-word on her phone expressing anger that someone on the flight was drunk while another person was “sniffing”.

Yesterday Moodley told Sowetan she had used the word out of frustration. “It was a mistake on my side, I am not going to deny that I said those things,” she said.

“Yes, it’s wrong for me to make those racial remarks but it was my SMS, so why was he (Mabuza) looking at my phone? He invaded my privacy and I feel like this thing was blown out of proportion.”

The “reverend” that called her out. Why is Sweden highlighted on the board? Is he planning to send blacks there? Lol join the line m8.

The only time blacks have the upper hand over other races is when they’re condemning them for racism, so they’re always on the hunt for it, even in private exchanges among spouses.

Living in Johannesburg, this pajeeta should have known better than to relax around them. At the very least she should have turned her screen away from prying eyes before typing the word.

Mabuza said after Moodley was removed from the plane an Indian man came forward to apologise for being the one who was drunk and reeking of alcohol.

“I want her to be taught that in this country it is illegal to be racist and she must present her case to the Human Rights Commission,” Mabuza said.

“If I must lay criminal charges, I am happy to do so.”

Correction: it is illegal to be racist against blacks in South Africa. Everything else is permitted, including the genocide of whites.

Leaders can even sing about that genocide with impunity.

I’m not sure what would possess anyone – even an Indian – to live in Johannesburg of their own volition. Is the promise of a secure job and an agreeable climate worth the perpetual risk of being hatcheted, raped or immolated by roving gangs of blacks?

You couldn’t pay me to live in that kaffir-infested shithole.