News Report on German Cover-Up of Kidnapping and Marathon Gang-Rape of Russian Girl

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 29, 2016

Lavrov actually uses the term “political correctness.”

This situation could end up exploding. Eventually, it is going to have to come out that Germany actively covered-up this little girl’s rape and protected the rapists.

We could even get a whistle-blower who uncovers that the scandal went to the highest levels of government (it obviously does – you have diplomats now coming out and aiding the cover-up). He or she could defect to Russia after blowing the whistle – who wants to live in Ficki Fickistan anyway?

How then will they continue to claim any moral authority at all, let alone over Russia, which not only doesn’t cover-up rapes and protect rapists, but actively protects its people from gang-rape?