NEWSFLASH: UKIP Banned as a Terrorist Group!!

Jez Turner
Daily Stormer
December 14, 2016


Okay, I’m joking, sort of, but then again, if they are really going to ban a bunch of law-abiding, non-violent situationist protesters, i.e. National Action, merely for being ‘politically-incorrect’, well, UKIP could very well face the same treatment sometime soon. And perhaps sooner than we think.

First they came for the fascists… .

To back peddle two things have happened in Britain this week.

Firstly. The new International Definition of Anti-Semitism just adopted by the British (((Government))) defines any mention of Jew/Jews/Jewish without the required quota of slavish praise as ‘anti-semitism’.

Secondly. The British (((Government))) is going to hold a debate this week in Parliament, on Wednesday and Thursday, on the issue of officially branding ‘National Action’ as a terrorist group, and will then proceed to banning them on the Friday. Parliament will do whatever (((the Establishment))) tell it to do. The debate will merely be a rubber stamping before the ban comes into force. This will be the first time, the FIRST time, a White Nationalist group, indeed any ‘right-wing’ group has been so classed. It’s a historic moment.

National Action: A bunch of college kids doing situationist stunts and demonstrations, who don’t even get involved in violence, never mind terrorism. And yet the government is going to brand them as a terrorist group and ban them.


‘Antifa’ regularly indulge in violence. They are renowned for wearing balaclavas and for carrying clubs to beat up political opponents; they’ve been doing so for years. Everyone knows this. But the Government would never dream of banning them or branding them as a terrorist group. And, while perhaps not realising that Antifa are basically a Jewish street gang, everyone will sort of realise that they are no threat to the Establishment or the Establishment’s ideology, and indeed are permitted, because they help the Establishment.

Talk about ‘street cred’! White Nationalists just OFFICIALLY became THE rebels. What will be going through the mind of a million bored teenagers? Want to seem edgy and cool and rebellious? Ditch that Che Guevara t-shirt, no one cares about that left-wing crap anymore. White Nationalism is the new punk rock.

And the young will see their Che Guevara t-shirt wearing schoolteachers and the boring bloody Establishment condemning a bunch of brave youngsters, National Action, for being … a terrorist group. Wow! It doesn’t get more rebellious than that.


Now, I know they are not a terrorist group. You know they are not a terrorist group. The whole of Britain including every teenager, knows they are not a terrorist group, but they represent ideas that are an existential threat to those in power globally. The whole damn world knows they are not a terrorist group. However, what the whole of Britain and the whole world does NOT know, at least yet, is that the definition of ‘terrorism’ has just been changed to mean ‘anything the Jews don’t like, find threatening, or that could undermine their global hegemony’. So, National Action are now, or will be on Friday, ‘a terrorist group.’ But so soon will a lot of others if only in their own thinking.

Is this bad news? No. White Nationalism and Jewish Power have just become hot topics. And that means discussion about real issues, important issues. It means normal people getting involved in real politics. It means the sort of discussions that led to Brexit and to Donald Trump being elected. It will reveal even to the most dim-witted imbecile exactly what is really going on in Britain, and who really controls Britain. The Hidden Hand has just revealed itself and its true (((nature))) and that’s something it rarely does, so it must be worried. Very worried indeed.

New definitions.

Terrorism = telling the truth

Anti-semitism = telling the truth

White people = anti-Semitic terrorists

Result – desentization of such terms and everyone really becoming aware of the truth. Everyone in effect becomes an ‘anti-semitic terrorist’.

One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.

And White Nationalists just became THE freedom fighters.