Newt Gingrich Out Shilling for Trump!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 20, 2016

Long-time political insider Newt Gingrich is out shilling for Donald Trump on the shows. This is an extremely good sign. Newt is not a moral or principled person in any sense, but he knows which way the wind is blowing, and he wants in.

And he is in a position to know. What this means is that within the establishment, there is a growing sense of inevitability that Donald J. Trump will be the Republican nominee.

And these scumbags like Gingrich – they do what they do because it is their livelihood as career politicians. These people could just as easily be doing the right thing, if the right man was in charge. Most of them are not immoral people, they are amoral people.

When The Big Boss is The Donald, they will carryout the will of The Big Boss.