NH: Jeb Spent 20 Times the Money as Trump Per Vote

Daily Stormer
February 10, 2016

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaks at a campaign event at the Greasewood Flats Ranch in Carroll, Iowa January 29, 2016. REUTERS/Rick Wilking - RTX24M3Z

“Please clap.”

I’m happy with the way Breitbart reported this news.

Donald Trump’s massive and massively consequential New Hampshire victory cost the billionaire businessman a mere $40 per vote, according to a study done by Morning Consult. To come in a distant fourth place, Jeb Bush spent a mind-boggling $1200 per vote.

No one, though, wasted their money more than Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who spend $508 per vote to belly-flop into fifth place. Even though Bush spent more than twice as much as Rubio, the former Florida governor at least walks out of the Granite State with a live-to-fight-another-day narrative at his back.

Rubio exits New Hampshire something close to toast.

Moreover, Rubio exits New Hampshire exposed. According to America’s oh-so brilliant Thought Leaders, Rubio The Republican Savior wasn’t supposed to need to spend $508 per vote. With his Fox News super PAC and grassroots appeal, Rubio was supposed to be the shining conservative in the race, not the guy gutting it out in the Establishment Lane.

We have a long, long way to go in this primary season, but right now this is a Trump-Cruz race — the GOP Establishment’s worst nightmare — and Revolution is in the air.

Breitbart needs to drop the filthy kikes corrupting them and get fully on-board with the Trump nationalist-populist revolution against the establishment kikes.

They’re coming closer to that every day, it seems.