Nicaragua Repeals Changes to Social Security After 26 Die in Riots

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 23, 2018

It’s bizarre that we exported these sorts of schemes to the third world.

NBC News:

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega repealed changes to the country’s social security system Sunday night that triggered riots that led to the deaths of at least 26 people since Wednesday.

The overhaul had sought to shore up Nicaragua’s troubled social security system with a combination of reduced benefits and increased taxes. Human rights groups say at least 26 people have been killed in several days of clashes. Dozens of shops in Managua, the capital, have been looted.

“The incidents of violence that have happened are regrettable,” Ortega said in a televised message Sunday night, adding: “We cannot allow chaos, crime and looting. We cannot allow this.”

Social security can’t even work in America anymore – because of the number of brown people.

How did anyone ever think it was going to work in a country of only brown people?

Also, how can they just repeal the reforms because people are dying?

The reforms must have been necessary to keep the country solvent, or they wouldn’t have been made in the first place.

I guess the President can just resign and allow the plebs to elect the Nicaraguan Chavez and then just watch everything burn.

That seems to be every Latin American country’s plan at this point.

Mexico has an election in July wherein they are probably going to elect the Mexican Chavez who will just completely collapse the entire economy as socialists always do.

That could end a couple of ways – either it will be a reason to build a wall, because they will be flooding in, or they will just flood in and we still won’t have any wall.