Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
April 14, 2015

The circumstantial evidence pointing to Nick Clegg having Jewish blood keeps mounting up.
Clegg is the only leader of the three main political parties in Britain not to have boasted about being the offspring of a Christ-killer.
Cameron’s great grandfather was a full blooded Jew and Ed Milliband is a fully paid-up son of a holohoax survivor.
More information is now coming out that Clegg’s great great aunt was sleeping with notorious Jewish mass murderer Genrikh Yagoda (Yehuda) head of the Soviet NKVD and his great great grandfather was a lawyer at the Tsar’s court, a place infested with Jews.
The Jew as Criminal – Chapter Nine describes how the Jewish Bolsheviks would snatch peasant girls and dress them up before raping, torturing and murdering them and here we have an admission that Clegg’s great great grandfather could have been one of the Bolshevik sadists responsible, although it is obviously a sanitized version of the story here.

Nick Clegg’s great great aunt – dubbed the ‘Mata Hari’ of Russia – had an exotic sex life and among her lovers was believed to be her Moscow ‘controller’ who was the brutal Stalinist secret police chief behind the notorious Gulag prison camps in which millions perished.
MailOnline can also reveal that Russia is challenging Whitehall to release papers kept secret for 97 years which may show the glamorous tsarist beauty Baroness Moura Budberg, mistress to prominent men on both sides of the east-west divide, was a double agent working for British intelligence during a plot to assassinate Lenin in 1918.

Her most ruthless lover was sinister Genrikh Yagoda, who has been called ‘one of the greatest mass murderers of all time’ with claims he killed up to 10 million as he wiped out Stalin’s supposed enemies.
The deputy premier’s ancestor acted as Yagoda’s ‘private agent’, according to KGB colonel Igor Prelin, a Russian intelligence expert who schooled a young Vladimir Putin in the dark arts of espionage.
‘We can be certain that she was in close contact with Yagoda and it is most probable that she was his lover,’ he said.

He ‘obtained quick entry and exit visas for her, enabling her to travel to and from the Soviet Union’ when she lived in the West. I describe her as Yagoda’s private agent.’
We can reveal that last week the Russian supreme court refused to rehabilitate the reputation of this bloodthirsty secret police commissar, who – having shot and condemned countless ‘enemies of the people’ as head of the NKVD, forerunner of the KGB – was himself branded a traitor and executed in 1938, in part based on his ties to the baroness.

Moura’s eccentricity should come as no surprise for her father Ignatiy Zakrevsky – Clegg’s great great grandfather, a lawyer at the Russian royal court – was even more bizarre, and the life of his daughter Alla – Clegg’s great grandmother – was embroiled in a Tsarist sex scandal.
One of Zakrevsky’s foibles was to send his coachman to the humble dwellings of his peasants, find the prettiest girl along with her mother, bring them back to his mansion, dress them under his supervision in the finest clothes of his daughters and parade them around the dirt tracks of his impoverished villages, sitting alongside him on his horse-drawn cart.
‘My grandfather was unable to resist pretty girls, and the prospect of a drive in a droshky [a kind of carriage] with two beautiful women he could not refuse,’ recounted Tania Alexander, Moura’s daughter and Alla’s niece.