Nick Fuentes is a Weapon of Mass Destruction

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 23, 2018

It’s CPAC day.

And that means Nick Fuentes is murdering Jews.

He had a LIVE BLOODSPORTS event with the sick neocon kike Will Chamberlain – who infiltrated and took over MAGA groups to promote kike interests – right there in the lobby.


This kike Chamberlain is LITERALLY arguing that it is in the interests of America to support Jew-Israel.

Fuentes quickly dispels this myth, publicly humiliating the bastard so devastatingly that he has probably already slit his writs in the bathtub.

Nick is the most gifted individual I am aware of having existed so far.

Understand this, friends: Nick Fuentes and Paul Nehlen are giving us the model for the future of the pro-white, anti-Jewish movement.

I am officially declaring that.

What is not the future is costumed goons and/or weird satanic Siegecult fed-poster terrorist shit. The future is not goofy religious cult gibberish.

Knock-off this stupid weird shit.

None of this weird shit anymore.

I watch Fuentes and Nehlen and then I see this weird shit and it makes me physically ill.

If you want to do weird shit in costumes, go be a furry or some other pervert. Stop associating your weird shit with the white movement. This is serious fucking business and I am trying to win, not wallow in weird shit.

Understanding the truth of the Jewish Problem and wanting a white country is NORMAL. It does not follow that advocacy for something that is NORMAL needs to take a form that is WEIRD.

Even if you prefer weird shit, you need to give it up for the sake of winning. If you are engaging in weird shit right now you are making the decision that you care more about engaging in weird shit than defeating the Jew menace.

And that means you are a [FILL IN THE BLANK].

This article has been updated to make it clear that Fuentes and Nehlen are presenting a model that works for future WN politics, as the original wording was taken by some as implying that I was declaring these two people as individuals as the leaders of the WN movement, which was not my intent.