Nick Sandmann Suing Washington Post Jews! For $250 Million!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2019

Nick Sandmann proudly withstood an attack by an apache warband. Now he’s taking the fight to the Jews. 

Well, here’s a happy thing for you.


A high school student from Covington, Kentucky, sued the Washington Post for defamation on Tuesday, claiming the newspaper falsely accused him of racist acts and instigating a confrontation with a Native American activist in a January videotaped incident at the Lincoln Memorial.

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Kentucky by Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann, 16, seeks $250 million in damages, the amount that Jeff Bezos, founder of and the world’s richest person, paid for the Post in 2013.

The lawsuit claims that the newspaper “wrongfully targeted and bullied” the teen to advance its bias against President Donald Trump because Sandmann is a white Catholic who wore a Make America Great Again souvenir cap on a school field trip to the March for Life anti-abortion rally in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 18.



And every single white person in this country – including stupidass whores and probably regular fags (those that are not trannies) – need to understand that this is coming for all of YOU.

These people literally hate you for the color of your skin. Because your white skin represents the creative force of the universe which they are trying to destroy.

The Washington Post’s Vice President for Communications Kristine Coratti Kelly said: “We are reviewing a copy of the lawsuit and we plan to mount a vigorous defense.”

In a photo that went viral from the incident, Sandmann is seen standing face to face with Native American activist Nathan Phillips. Sandmann stares smiling at him while Phillips sings and plays his drum.

In a statement, Sandmann’s Atlanta-based lawyer, Lin Wood, said additional similar lawsuits would be filed in the weeks ahead.

A private investigation firm retained by Covington Diocese in Park Hills, Kentucky, found in a report released last week no evidence the teenagers provoked a confrontation.

The students were met at the Lincoln Memorial by offensive statements from members of the Black Hebrew Israelites, the report said.

Phillips claimed in a separate video that he heard the students chanting “build that wall,” during the encounter, a reference to Trump’s pledge to build a barrier along the U.S. border with Mexico.

The investigators said they found no evidence of such a chant and that Phillips did not respond to multiple attempts to contact him.

He’s hiding out in the woods seeking protection from the forest spirits!

Or maybe he’s being groomed to be Elizabeth Warren’s running mate.

Who knows.

Who cares?

Fuck that wagon-burning liar.

Here’s the more important question:

What is WaPo going to say about this? 

I don’t know what defense they – or any of the other outlets Sandmann is going to sue – can give. They literally created a racial mob that was demanding he be doxed, beaten and killed based on a total hoax.

They all claim that none of them watched the full video before reporting on it. That would be completely insane, given that these are large-scale multi-million dollar operations. It is probably true for some of them. They just got caught up in the narrative that was being spread by everyone at once. But I think some of them did see the longer video and just thought they could pass off the hoax to the people – as they would easily have been able to do in the era before the internet.

Trump has voiced support.

Hopefully the Post is driven into bankruptcy  and Peter Thiel buys it and makes it about sea-steading.

It’s really the only chance the white race has at this point.