(((Nicolas Sarkozy))) Whines About Assimilation, Tells Britain to Let Calais Monkeys in Their Base

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 28, 2016


The Hungarian-Greek-French kikeservative Nicolas Sarkozy has attacked immigrants for refusing to assimilate, while at the same time demanded that Britain take all of the sickening monkeys his country has allowed to squat in Calais.

The Jew Sarkozy is attempting a political comeback presently. To all appearances, he seems to have been drafted-in as a popular cuck/kike alternative to the nationalist Marine Le Pen. Despite Le Pen’s endless pandering to Jews, which involved such extremes as attacking her own father, the Jews still don’t like her.

This is really a weird combination of points to make in the same day, one might think, but they will both be seen as pro-French.

Daily Express:

Family reunification for migrants must be suspended until the EU agrees on a solid immigration policy for all member states, said France’s former president Nicolas Sarkozy.

The right-wing politician was speaking ahead of next year’s presidential election where he said the problem had to be tackled.

The former president said: “My aim is to bring back authority and defend the French Republic.”

Mr Sarkozy said that the current situation in France was “deeply grave” and that his country needed someone experienced, energetic, determined, and with authority to help it get back on its feet.

Mr Sarkozy, whose decision to run in next year’s presidential election was announced on Monday, is known for his unyielding stance on immigration, and has made his intention to stop the tide coming into France very clear.

In an interview with Le Figaro yesterday, he said: “If I am named president, France will renegotiate Article 8 of the European Court of Human Rights, which deals with family reunification.

”We need to use our common sense and interpret the rules in light of the current migrant crisis.

“Family reunification was established back in 1976, at a time when there was little unemployment and people had no difficulty integrating into society. “Things have changed. France must suspend this right until the EU comes up with a solid immigration policy for all member states, and does more to protect its border.”

The Republic, he said, must be more demanding when dealing with migrants who come to France in a bid to be granted French citizenship, which allows them to claim state benefits.

He said: “A foreigner should only have access to social benefits after he has lived in the country for more than five years.

“And it should take 10, not five years to become a naturalised French citizen.”

Moreover, being French means having a “language, a history, and a way of life in common,” said Mr Sarkozy.

Nothing to do with DNA, of course.


Assimilated French Moslem (note the French flags)

If he’s really going to deport all of them that haven’t assimilated, that will be the majority, including third and fourth generation Arabs.

Ah, but I don’t think he’s talking about that, is he?

Marine doesn’t even talk about that.

Daily Express:

The United Kingdom should open its own centre on British soil to deal with migrants camped in Calais, Nicholas Sarkozy has demanded.

The former French President, who is attempting a political comeback, said Britain should let migrants currently camped out in Calais into the country.

It is estimated there are up to 9,000 migrants packed into squalid conditions inside the Calais camp known as The Jungle, with many hoping to make the crossing into Britain.

In the past two years the number of migrants in the camp has swelled with many making nightly attempts to reach Britain illegally through the Channel Tunnel.

Mr Sarkozy told a political rally in northern France: “I’m demanding the opening of a centre in Britain to deal with asylum seekers in Britain so that Britain can do the work that concerns them.

“The jungle should not be in Calais or anywhere else, because this is a republic and those with no rights to be here should return to their country.”

Mr Sarkozy said Britain should manage the asylum process, accepting those it wants on British territory and organising charters to remove those who are rejected.

Why on earth should it be the problem of the British to deal with “migrants” on your nation’s soil, Jew?

If you want them out, send in your military to round them up and send them home.


Or you could just send them to Germany. I’m sure Merkel wants them.

Sarkikezy has also vowed to make the burkini ban national law, following a high court overruling of municipal laws banning the disgusting abomination from local beaches.


The Guardian:

France’s former leader Nizolas Sarkozy says he’ll ban the burkini nationwide if re-elected as president next year. At his first rally for the elections on Thursday, Sarkozy commends both right- and left-wing mayors who have banned the burkini in their towns. The former conservative leader, who served as president from 2007 to 2012, says the ban is to preserve public order.

This is cuckery, of course. All it does is enrage the Moslems, and certainly doesn’t force them to assimilate.

On some level, it is funny, because it is like trolling them. But a national politician supporting it is doing it to hoax a plan to force-assimilate an unassimilable group, giving false hope to the stupid goyim that eventually these monkeys will start acting like human beings.