Daily Stormer
March 24, 2015

UKIP leader Nigel Farage and his family were forced to flee a pub this week while being chased down by an assembly of degenerate perverts who felt it appropriate to make a family dinner into a political event.
These people have no shame.
The leader of the controversial party was visibly furious at having Sunday lunch with his wife Kirsten and children Victoria, 15 and Isabelle, 10, interrupted by the loud crowd in fancy dress.
After being pursued to his car, Mr Farage stormed: “I hope these ‘demonstrators’ are proud of themselves.
“My children were so scared by their behaviour that they ran away to hide. These people are scum.”
The protesters had first rallied in Mr Farage’s local, the George and Dragon in Downe, Kent. They then headed to the nearby Queen’s Head, where the Farages were tucking in.
Organiser Dan Glass said the group included migrants, HIV activists, the gay the disabled and breastfeeding mums.
The demonstrators admitted Mr Farage had been chased down the road after pushing through them to get to his motor … and that some of them had jumped on his car bonnet.
Mr Glass said afterwards: “He was sitting on his own and left on his own. We didn’t see any kids.”
Guy who organized the protest was full-Jew.
The Jewish organiser of an anti-Ukip demonstration claims he has received death threats on social media after being labelled ‘scum’ by Nigel Farage.
Dan Glass led protests outside Mr Farage’s local pub in Downe, Kent on Sunday where the Ukip leader was eating lunch with his wife and two children.