Nigel Farage Doesn’t Understand American Problems

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 30, 2016

There is no doubt that Nigel Farage is a hero, and was the driving force behind Brexit.

I am also glad he’s endorsed Trump (though I think he could have been a little bit more enthusiastic about it).

I must say, however: he does not understand the American situation.

The Independent:

Nigel Farage has backed Donald Trump for US president and said he would never support Hillary Clinton, just days after the Republican congratulated the UK’s decision to secede from the European Union.

Speaking to CNN from Brussels, UKIP leader Mr Farage praised Mr Trump but said he had “far bigger problems” than that of his counterpart.

That is debatable.

But basically, both of our nation’s problems are so huge that it is irrelevant which has the bigger problems. It’s like saying “yeah, you just got sliced in half but my problem is bigger because I just got shot in the face.”

“Donald Trump dares to talk about things that other people want to brush under the carpet,” he said.

My problems in politics are far greater than Donald Trump’s. We literally have lost our sovereignty, we have lost our borders, lost our ability to regulate,” he added.

The problem you’ve got in the US is illegal immigration. Our problem is legal immigration to half a billion people,” he said, referring to the free movement between EU countries.

This is just wrong.

Our problem is also legal immigration. Illegal immigrants are a fraction of our immigration problem.


We have over a million legal immigrants coming in every year – the numbers of illegal immigrants aren’t exactly known, but it is less than a third of that number.

The biggest population of legal immigrants are Indian. Almost none of them are White.

The details of the situation can be found here.

And though Britain was open to the immigration of half a billion people while in the EU, their immigrants are almost entirely White immigrants. I understand that millions of Eastern Europeans coming in to London is not good for Britain, but it simply does not compare – in any way whatsoever – to the millions of non-Whites flooding into America.

The bottom line is this:

Britain is about 80% White while the US is about 60% White.

As such, our situation is worse.

The only way in which the British situation may be considered worse is in that they do not have a legal right to speak out against the invasion, while we do.

As I say though, all White countries are in very dire straits and it doesn’t make a lot of sense to talk about who’s worse off. Our entire race is doomed if we don’t get it together and stop these kikes.


I want to thank Mr. Farage for calling Hillary Clinton a crook.

And here’s an interview with Fox News which is pretty good.