Nigel Farage Finally Names the Jew – “Powerful Jewish Lobby”!

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
November 1, 2017

I’ve never trusted Nigel Farage. He’s got a used car salesman vibe to him and UKIP is hindered by its crappy ideas. Farage once had a far larger platform to condemn the Jews and didn’t – yet the Jews united to defame and attack him anyway!

But I think most people like Farage the personality. He recently let slip a dangerous conspiracy theory: the grass is green and Jews control American foreign policy.

So can Jews at least come up with some kind of phony explanation, rather than just re-stating these comments and calling it an “anti-Semitic” conspiracy theory?

The Jewish Chronicle:

Nigel Farage has been criticised for referring to “a powerful Jewish lobby” operating in America.

Mr Farage, who was presenting his phone-in show on the LBC network yesterday, took a call from someone identifying himself as “Ahmed” during a debate on Russian influence in last year’s US presidential election.

“How come there’s such an issue with Russia, and no one really highlighting AIPAC and the Israeli lobby and their involvement in American politics and elections”, the caller asked.

Mr Farage, referring to the “Israeli lobby”, responded by saying Ahmed had made “a reasonable point”.

He added: “There are about six million Jewish people living in America, so as a percentage it’s quite small, but in terms of influence its quite big. They have a voice within American politics, as indeed do the Hindu groups and many other groups in America. But I don’t think anybody is suggesting that the Israeli government tried to affect the result of the American elections.”

When the caller claimed Israel had Democrats and Republicans “in their pockets”, Mr Farage, the former leader of UKIP, responded: “In terms of money and influence they are a very powerful lobby”.

He went on to thank “Ahmed from Leyton”, who he said “makes the point that there are other very powerful lobbies in America, with the Jewish lobby, that has links with the Israeli government, is one of those strong voices”.

Can anyone calling Farage an “anti-Semite” make a case for what drives American foreign policy without mentioning world Jewry? Its not for oil – we didn’t get any in Iraq. It’s not to spread democracy – the Syrian people under Assad have many more rights than under Islamist feudalism in Saudi Arabia. It’s not to combat extremism – the enlightened Shi’ite Iranians are the ones leading the fight against ISIS and Al Qaeda.

The only thing Saddam (who hated Iran), Assad (a secular nationalist) and Iran (an Islamic Republic) have in common is that they were and are opponents of Israeli aggression.

Do Jews think they can continue to just restate criticisms against them while implying threats and assume everyone will be too scared to repeat them?

Being unable to comment on political and social issues in an honest fashion is the hallmark of every totalitarian regime. Whether the Jews punish Farage for this or just fire this warning shot will be interesting to watch.