Nigel Farage Smashes the EU Parliament Over Their Vicious Attacks on Glorious American President

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2017

Nigel Farage is a great speaker and hardcore.

But you know, he’s still cucked compared to Trump. Because like, why mention Holocaust Day and the fact that Israeli Jews are banned from countries? Unless you’re doing it as some kind of dog whistle – which he doesn’t appear to be doing – than don’t mention it.

I don’t expect any top mainstream political figure to literally name the Jew. I get why they don’t do that. It’s okay. But you can pull a Trump and go for “soft denial” with issues of the Holocaust. It’s something which can be done.

Anyway, it’s a good speech he gave to the EU Parliament yesterday, in spite of the Jew cucking comment.

He should indeed be Prime Minister of the UK. No one else is even close to being fit for that job.