Daily Stormer
March 31, 2014
Following the Golden Dawn, Jobbik, Pat Buchanan and Nick Griffin, Nigel Farage of UKIP has come out in support of Vladimir Putin, saying he is the world leader he most admires.
He did so with a “but” however, which I do not approve of. In fact, I don’t really approve of much about Farage, other than the obvious. But his rise is a good sign, as are these statements of his.
From the Independent:
He praised the Russian president’s skills as an “operator”, citing his “brilliant” handling of the civil war in Syria.
The Ukip leader’s comments emerged days after he provoked anger by accusing the European Union of having “blood on its hands” for encouraging the turmoil in Ukraine, which led to Russia’s annexation of Crimea.
Mr Farage was asked by GQ magazine’s new interviewer Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair’s former spin chief, which world leader he most admired. “As an operator, but not as a human being, I would say Putin,” he replied. “The way he played the whole Syria thing. Brilliant. Not that I approve of him politically. How many journalists in jail now?”
Moscow is closely allied to the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad and has supplied arms to his regime. It blocked moves to sanction him at the United Nations, but also took the lead in a brokering a deal under which Syria agreed to surrender its chemical weapons.
The remarks echo a clash with Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in last week’s head-to-head debate in which the Ukip leader stressed he did not approve of Crimea’s annexation, but lambasted EU leaders for being “weak and vain” over Ukraine and Syria. He added: “If you poke the Russian bear with a stick, he will respond.”
Mr Farage later rejected accusations that he was siding with Mr Putin, but stood by his claim that the EU provoked the crisis by “destabilising” Ukraine.
Though I blaming Putin for jailing subversives is clearly out of order, I am quite glad he was willing to point out that the West staged the coup in the Ukraine. Hardly anyone is willing to say that out loud, even as it is a proven fact.