Nigel Hired by Fox News

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2017

The political shake-up continues!


The former UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader has a new job as contributor for the US television network Fox News. The controversial British politician will appear on both daytime and prime-time programs on the network and its sister channel Fox Business.

The arrangement was announced on Friday by Fox News in a short statement.

As the leader of UKIP, Farage led a campaign for Britain to leave the EU, which culminated in the ‘yes’ vote for Brexit.

He is also an outspoken supporter of Republican US President Donald Trump, who takes similar positions on issues like immigration. Farage attended Trump’s inauguration ceremony on Saturday as a guest of Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant.

It’s very interesting to watch the media restructuring itself for the new reality of Trumpland. Fox News bascially has to become Breitbart.

And it isn’t just the “conservative” media that is going to have to restructure itself as nationalist. Oh no. This stretches through all the medias.


The liberal-left-Jew media has to figure out a way to maintain credibility while also pushing for extremely unpopular positions. Traditionally, support for unpopular positions could just be backed-up by outright lies. But that’s not going to work anymore, because of the internet.

I have no idea what they are going to do. What I would do probably is just put The Young Turks on CNN. People will at least watch that. They are also going to have to get a little bit more hip, if they want to play the resistance role instead of the establishment role.

I don’t know how they can be more hip. I am sitting here thinking about what I would do if I was hired to save CNN. I am pretty smart with this stuff. I guess I would just hire black people to come on and be like “fuck white people, dawg” and then have like some pornographic/satanic material.

I don’t really know where else they can go at this point. One thing is for certain though, the Russian hacker/fake news narrative is not working.


With Fox becoming Breitbart, Brietbart has to become Amren.

Amren and the rest of the Alt-Light (McCuck, Watstein, etc.) don’t really have anywhere to go, unless they are absorbed by Breitbart. They won’t talk about the Jews, so what can they do?

Richard Spencer has to become Daily Stormer (which he is already basically doing – kudos).

On a personal level, he’s gotta be pretty angry at this point.

And the Daily Stormer – we have to go into new realms of hatred and genocidal insanity.

Basically this: