Nigga Gets the Drop: Arnold Goes to Africa – Gets Jump-Kicked by African Ninja!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 19, 2019

A lot of people enjoy going to Africa to experience the enrichment of their vibrant culture – the problem is that this enrichment almost always comes in the form of violent attacks on one’s person.

The story was no different for Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was attacked from behind by a loose black man while attending his own event, the Arnold Classic Africa, in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Sonovabitch got a straight-up flying kick to the back.

I guess the black fellow who engaged in this attack must have been thinking “I’ll be the one to take down the Terminator.”

But he’s 71 years old. And surprise jump-kicking someone in the back is not really a fight. Ah, but such are the unfortunate workings of the African mind.

Arnold has been a major cuck for several years. Basically since it was revealed that he slept with the Mexican maid, which resulted in a public humiliation that appears to have crushed his human soul.

The worst part is that his wetback bastard is jacked.

While his legitimate white child is a roly-poly fat peckerwood.

After being exposed as a maid-fucker, and being abandoned by his wife, Arnold did the apparently reasonable thing and embraced the Mexican bastard – because at least he’s not fat.

He helped the physically healthy Mexican bastard with his steroid regiment.

(Yes, that is steroids, and no, he wasn’t taking them before he developed a relationship with his estranged father.)

To you, this might all make sense.

I mean, I would like to say I would tell my bastard Mexican son to go fuck himself in Mexico, but if I was 70 and the rest of my children were all pathetic fat blobs, and I knew my only chance at a legacy was my bastard wetback from the maid – who knows what I’d do. Who knows what any of us would do.

But Arnold’s psyche collapsed at this realization. And he went full anti-racist, attacking Nazis.

Even worse, he made friends with the perverted homosexual leader Emmanuel Macron, and promoted the global warming hoax.

His father, a Nazi war hero, is no doubt rolling in his grave, seeing his faggot son run around like an asshole with his wetback bastard, shooting the unfortunate lad with steroids, and promoting this stupid weather hoax with a man-pussy like Macron.

So I have a hard time sympathizing with him after he was attacked by a black ninja in Africa.

Truly, he brought this fate upon himself.