Nigga, Your Boy Back


I didn’t get my 15 hours of sleep, but I got several, and I’ve got coffee and I’m ready to finish this thing off.

If you haven’t already, please read my extended note from last night. I just read it, and it turns out that actually says pretty much everything I am going to say today on the topic. But I’m going to rewrite it.

I’m also going to do the normal news as normal, because this is a normal workday, and we always on our job.

My refreshing, nightmare-riddled sleep and my morning coffee has left me with one very clear and important point to stress about this shooting event: the details do not matter because no one can know the details. There are theories that need to be dismissed because they create completely new narratives with long-term ramifications (i.e., the CIA/Mossad tried and failed to take out Trump because he’s going to win a very real election and stop the deep state). But regarding my two core theories, which are the only possible basic theories, the details do not matter.

What matters is the fallout.

In terms of editor’s notes: memes probably won’t get done today, so we’re probably looking at a Memetic Tuesday.

I think the Trump shooting news cycle will basically be wound down by Wednesday, but we’re gonna try to keep on the details until then.


Much of my time over the last 48 hours has been arguing the details on the Gamer Uprising forum, in between scrolling Twitter and watching various analysis videos. If you are interested, the big GU thread is here. There are a lot of smart people there and it shows the evolution of my various theories about details.

Again: details don’t matter, but people are interested in the details, because everyone everywhere is obsessively discussing them. So if you want to read me and some other smart people (as well as several dumb people) discussing the details, you can read that thread. I just thought I’d throw that out there, because there are some of you who will enjoy it. A lot of you will not, however.