“Niggas is Lined Up” – Zany Blacks Exploit Chase ATM Glitch with Own Names

Blacks have figured out a way to commit check fraud by exploiting a “glitch” in Chase ATMs.

If this was a white country, this “glitch” would not mean anything, as everyone would know that this is fraud and you could be put in prison for it (at the very least you would have to pay back the money with absurd fees).

But black people do not “get” things of this nature, and think that even if they are using their own account with their own name, if the ATM gives them money it is just “free money.”


An apparent “glitch” at Chase Bank that allowed people to withdraw large amounts of money from their accounts without having the funds has gone viral on social media.

According to social media users, some people exploited a system error to withdraw money after depositing fake checks into their accounts or after applying for large loans at Chase Bank ATMs.

A spokesperson for Chase Bank told Newsweek that the issue has been rectified, and some are now reporting that their accounts have massive negative balances or have had holds put on them.

“We are aware of this incident, and it has been addressed,” the spokesperson said. “Regardless of what you see online, depositing a fraudulent check and withdrawing the funds from your account is fraud, plain and simple.”

Banks usually take several days to verify checks before making funds available in customers’ accounts, but the glitch apparently meant money became available quickly, allowing people to withdraw the funds before the checks were identified as fraudulent.

Look at these niggas:

Love them jams.

(Yeah, I know that bitch is Jew, but come on. She’s cute. It’s a fun song. Stop being such a stooge.)

You know what?

At least the blacks have fun.

That’s more than I can say for whites, who are all fat and gay and compulsively obsessed with the opinions of women and other things that mean absolutely nothing.

Those niggas just takes it as it comes. One day they up, next they down.

It’s alright.

I wish I was a retarded nigger.

I could live a thousand years, and I would never be able to come close to touching the joy that this nigger felt when that ATM started spitting out free Benjamins.