Nigger Cop’s Nigger Son Unrepentant and Gleeful After Jumping Old Sikh Man

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 13, 2018

Who is the real hate criminal?

Fox News:

The 18-year-old son of a police chief in California’s Bay Area, who allegedly attacked a 71-year-old Sikh man, appeared in court Friday, smiling and waving his middle fingers at media cameras, a report said.

Tyrone Keith McAllister, estranged son of Union City police Chief Darryl McAllister, entered the courtroom and flipped his middle fingers at their camera, Sacramento’s FOX 40 reported.

So there’s some good news and there’s some bad news to this story.

The good news: Sikhs are now officially White. 

Let there be no more debate on the topic.

If blacks are targeting them for unprovoked hate crime chimp outs, that means that they perceive Sikhs to be White. In the face of this overwhelming logic, I am forced to conceded that Sikh are indeed White because Black people know White people better than White people know themselves.

I think that the Sikh community at large, while rightly upset at the terrible attack on one of their own, can at least take console in the fact that they just rose up a rung on the racial totem pole as a result. The old man may become an honored saint or martyr, given enough time.

The Bad News. 

Yet another bad cop example that makes me suck on my teeth.

This black police chief couldn’t even keep his son from going feral. And now his own son is going to go to prison. If nigger coppers can’t even keep their own brood in line…I’m really questioning their policing skills.

Police work starts in the home. Every man is supposed to be patrolling his wife, his slut-in-training tween daughter and also providing a manly example for his son.

This nigger failed. Can he really be allowed to police society at large when he couldn’t even do the basic shit on the micro-scale in his own family?


We need to stop giving these barely functioning dregs authority over us. With society’s standards in free-fall, the pool of people that the cops can recruit from suffers in quality as well – drastically if you consider that police are drawn from particularly defective people within society.

Look around you. Would you trust a random person in your metro wagon or sharing the bus with you either right now or whenever you have to commute the next time to suddenly have a badge and authority over you?

Hell no.

Get rid of these cops, and LET PEOPLE SELF-ORGANIZE…without the FBI messing around.