Negro Fatigue Maxing Out as Rando Harvard Employee Smote for Confronting Noisy Coalburner and Niglet

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2018

The shitlib has begun to hate.

The evil that they promote to the lowest classes first, then the middle classes, is finally boiling over and entering their world.

And they are not enjoying this situation.

Mass Live:

The director of a Harvard University-affiliated research center has apologized after a video of her speaking with one of her neighbors has gone viral.

Alyson Laliberte was playing with her child Saturday afternoon when another resident of her apartment complex came outside to complain about the noise.

“I’m outside enjoying the afternoon with my daughter when this women came downstairs and asked me if I would move so her kids can nap,” Laliberte wrote in a now viral Facebook post, of the encounter. “Mind you it’s mid-day and we weren’t even being loud at all drawing with chalk.”

In the video, Theresa Lund is seen sitting next to Laliberte. During the exchange, she asks Laliberte several times if she lives in “one of the affordable units or one of the Harvard units?”

Laliberte replied for the woman to “mind her business,” to which Lund said, “I live here. This is my business. This is my home.”

Not anymore, lady.

Your home belongs to niggers and monkeys from anywhere.


You probably should have thought of this earlier.

I guess you thought there would always be a safe white place for you as you flooded the plebs with the genetic waste of the world, Huh?

You poor dear.

It was totally discriminating and racist of her… or maybe it was because my daughter is biracial, who knows,” Laliberte said, of the question. “If she really did not want to be disturbed she would own a one-family house instead of deciding on moving in to a condominium with a bunch of neighbors. I’ve lived in this complex for 15 years.”

As the video gained traction online, Lund was identified by commenters as the executive director of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. The initiative’s mission “is to conduct research and education on the practice of relieving human suffering in war and disaster by advancing the science and practice of humanitarian response worldwide.”


And I’m sure the biggest part of that work involved bringing in “refugees” to America.

I don’t think the woman is Jewish.

She doesn’t look it, and Lund is a very Scandinavian surname.

She’s just a stupidass shitlib female who wanted to be a “good person” by doing what she was told “good people” do.

Now she’s going to lose her job, and for the rest of her life when her name is Googled it will come up that she is the viral evil racist who politely asked a coalburner to control her niglet spawn.

Mixed emotions here.

It’s like with Permit Patty, the shitlib lady calling the cops on the niglet selling water.

On one level, I like seeing these people get their just desserts.

Because they do deserve this.

On another level, I see this woman and am pitying her, thinking to myself:

Just come home, my dear.

The door is always open, and the light’s on in the hall.

All will be forgiven.

Because we are a people. 

Rando Smiting Shall Continue

Smite the Rando is now a daily event.

This is clearly an organized campaign by the Jewish media, that they are coordinating in their secret email groups.

They are finding random targets – white people (and sometimes Jews) who have the kind of confrontation with a black person that we all have had several times a year for our entire lives – and publicly crucifying them.

Basically, they are putting all white people on notice: you cannot confront nigger behavior, ever. You just have to let them do whatever they want, all the time. Just sit there and deal with it.

I know where this is going though.

There was a backlash from Obama’s Black Lives Matter attacks on white cops – the police pulled out of black neighborhoods and murder rates in black-dominated cities skyrocketed to 1990s levels.

It has been dubbed “The Ferguson Effect.”

USA Today recently had a pretty good article about this effect in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray, where multiple officers were charged with murder and manslaughter for allegedly driving a van wrong while transporting a black heroin dealer to jail.

It was later shown that he was purposefully slamming his head against the wall of the van, and that (presumably in combination with the drugs he was on) caused him to fracture his vertebrae, go into a coma and eventually die. All charges were eventually dropped against the officers, but all of their lives were already ruined.

They had the best info-gif.

Just so, I am predicting that the “Smite the Rando” campaign is going to lead to “The Rando Crucifixion Effect” where white shitlibs do pull back from confrontations of any kind with colored people, but at the same time, begin to hate them and align with other white people in a bloc against colored people.

Wealthy shitlibs are now directly under attack. And I think it is going to take them a minute to realize it, but they will realize it. At least, most of them will. At least subconsciously. And they are going to stop supporting these anti-white agendas.

We’ve still got more than two years until the 2020 election, and I am predicting that it will be the biggest electoral victory in all of American history.

This rando smiting can’t stop now. It’s got too much steam. And they have already fully implemented a reward mechanism for colored people who engage in these confrontations and film them. So the level of confrontation is going to actually start to increase, with blacks (and others, but mostly blacks) actively bullying white people while filming and trying to provoke a response so they can get their reward.

Whites are not stupid, and they are going to stop engaging. They will start just letting these people do whatever they want, even as the confrontational behavior continues to rise.

But they will begin to hate.

Even if they don’t have it in them to pull the lever for Trump in 2020, but most just won’t go vote.

And by 2024, it will be hard to find a single white person willing to vote for a Democrat.

And in 2024, we’re going to be introducing a candidate a whole lot more hardcore than Donald Trump – assuming he isn’t up to going for a third term.