Nigger-Fucking Polish Whore Magdalena Pegowska Called the Cops on Me!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 21, 2017

Shockingly, the nigger fucking whore Magdalena Pegowska called the police on me, then sent me an email about it.

Because I posted pictures of her on my website.

She sent it quick, too.

I responded. Sargon of Akkad, my internet lawyer, is presently working on a internet lawsuit to file against her for writing me this stupid email.

If you would like to contact Magdalena and let her know what you think about her fucking niggers, creating a batboy, and then threatening to sic the police on people who write about it on the internet, feel free to send her an email at

I’m sure someone in the comments section will also post her phone number and address.

Please do not do anything illegal, such as threaten her with murder or rape. Do not make any threats at all, in fact. Just make your views known. You have as much right to email her as she had to email me. If you’re in Britain, however, probably don’t use an address with your real name on it… and use a proxy. Because calling a nigger-fucking whore a “nigger-fucking whore” might actually cause you a problem in Britain, where this skank apparently resides. Check local laws about emailing nigger-fucking whores. I only know the American ones.