Nigger Gang’s Brutal Attack of a 72-Year-Old Man Caught on Tape Near Police Station

Octavio Rivera
Daily Stormer
July 21, 2018

On the one hand you have all these evil racist pig cops mowing down black younglings on sight for no reason whatsoever other than the irredeemable darkness of their hearts. On the other hand you have these barely biped apes letting their nature loose near police stations with impunity.

If you even dare to think there’s some kind of contradiction there somewhere, you’d be mistaken.

Berkeley Side:

A 72-year-old Berkeley man walking near the police station earlier this month was seriously injured when a group of young men shoved him down from behind and kicked him numerous times, authorities said Wednesday.

Police described the group as six to eight black males in their late teens or early 20s. They left in a newer model silver or white minivan that may have been a Nissan Quest, BPD said.

You see, niggers act this way because they’ve been oppressed for so fucking long that they can’t take it anymore and they just explode after all that pressure building up inside their systems. They have to let it all out. Just like Moslems, they go boom because huwhitey just couldn’t keep himself from stealing browney lands, riches, technology, science, art, civilization, space programs, engineering, and wisdom.

If only you could see the utopian paradise they had before we came into contact with them, you’d understand.

They were kings.

They were space explorers.

But we just couldn’t stop ourselves from dragging them down back to our level and they’ll never forgive us. The real question is, should we forgive ourselves?

The white devil has enslaved Planet Color for six million years and ordered them to build the world we now live in while doing nothing of their own to contribute. Can you really blame People of Planet Color for their rage? I don’t think you can.

According to a statement released Wednesday, the man was walking at 3:30 a.m. July 6 on Martin Luther King Jr. Way, between University Avenue and Addison Street, when the attack took place. That’s just north of the Berkeley Police Department, which is located at 2100 Martin Luther King Jr. Way.

“Without making any demands, the group shoved the resident to the ground and kicked him repeatedly,” said BPD. “Unable to move after the fall, the resident called BPD for help after the suspects left the area.”

I agree with you, grandpas should be able to walk the streets without getting jumped by chimps. But you have to see both sides to understand. It’s not as if grandpa is innocent in this case, let’s not fool ourselves here. He’s white, after all, and old enough to have had plenty of black sex slaves.

The man, who received serious injuries during the attack, was taken to the hospital for treatment. He has since been released, BPD said.

In the video, the group can be seen striking the man in the back of the head. When he falls, they circle around him and continue the attack. After they leave, multiple vehicles can be seen driving past the man as he struggles to get up.

Okay, look. Sure, what these blacklings did was wrong yadda yadda, but if we want these things to stop happening we should start thinking about abolishing slavery once and for all and be real about it. Be serious about it. People can only take so much abuse and slavery before everything turns into Planet of the Apes of Color.

Once we treat blacks as people, once we allow them access to education, once we stop enslaving them because of their superior intelect and aptitudes, once we stop behaving like fascists, that’s when we’ll have peace.

We’d probably have to give them back all this civilization we stole from them, too.