Nikolas Cruz Trying to Get $800,000 Inheritance

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2018

Nikolas Cruz is a biological Jew. According to chat logs, his real mother was a Jew. But this is his adopted mother, who I guess was Cuban.

The fact he had $800,000 coming to him when he did the shooting definitely makes the event weirder.

Fox News:

Nikolas Cruz, the teenager who police said opened fire inside a Florida high school earlier this month, killing 17, reportedly hired a lawyer about two months before the rampage in an attempt to acquire his $800,000 inheritance.

The New York Post, citing an order handed down on Dec. 13 by Broward County Probate Division Judge Charles Greene, reported that Cruz tried to retrieve his portion of the estate left behind by his mother, Lynda Cruz, who died of pneumonia in November.

Cruz reportedly signed a retainer agreement with lawyer Audra Simovitch to pursue his share of the estate, the report said. The judge has approved visitation between Simovitch and Cruz while he’s in jail.

The lawyer told the paper that she has yet to meet with him, but hopes to before March. She told the paper one of the reasons she needs to meet with him is to determine whether Cruz still wants his share of the inheritance.

Greene’s ruling was handed down after Simovitch issued a petition claiming she was denied access to Cruz by the Public Defender’s office, and accused it of “obstructing justice,” the paper reported.

Simovitch filed court papers the day after the school shooting– Feb. 15– on behalf of Roxanne Deschamps. Deschamps cared for Cruz and his younger brother Zachary after their parents died. The paper reported that Deschamps wants to administer Lynda’s estate.

So while I can hardly find a lawyer willing to represent me – and the same is true for every WN, very few lawyers will even take the case – this Jewish mass shooter has a Jewish lawyer out there proud to be serving him and complaining that she isn’t given enough access.

Meanwhile, the NRA is being deplatformed for allegedly having caused this shooting.