Nikos Michaloliakos: Golden Dawn Continues the Struggle for a Free Greece!

Daily Stormer
March 25, 2015

As we all know, the leader of the mighty Golden Dawn, Nikos Michaloliakos, has finally been released after being wrongfully imprisoned by Greece’s treasonous government, who were working on behalf of orders from International Jewry. This is the recently released statement from him.

From the YouTube description:

The General Secretary of the Popular Association – Golden Dawn made the followings statements on March 23rd, 2015:

“Since Friday the 20th of March, by a decision of Greek Justice I am out of prison, Free Besieged under house arrest. I am here in parliament to give the political battle of the third in power party of the country, and I ask everyone to please – as they are obligated to do – to respect verdict of the Greek people, whom in two consecutive electoral contests, elected Golden Dawn as the third party.

I have to declare that Golden Dawn is not a criminal organization. It is a nationalist movement, it is a legal political party, and it has as does every defendant, the presumption of innocence. Therefore, Greek justice will judge us; there we must fight a legal battle. They mustn’t cast down their damning and their excommunications before we are judged by our natural judges.

Golden Dawn is being persecuted, its members have been killed, its MPs imprisoned and still are found in prison, but it continues the struggle for a free Greece. A struggle to abolish the memorandum, which is an ethnocide, and has driven the Fatherland to today’s decline.”