Ninnying Anti-American SJW Faggot Paul Ryan Calls Trump a Racist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 7, 2016

paul ryan cuckold bitch

Paul Ryan believes that ISIS terrorism, baby part markets, racism-shaming and interracial sex is the path forward. Many people wish the anti-American terrorist Paul Ryan would an hero and leave America alone.

The spineless faggot Paul Ryan, who openly endorses taxpayer-funding for ISIS immigration into America and Planned Parenthood baby-parts markets, has called Our Glorious Leader a “racist” for calling out a spic judge with an agenda against him.

The sick weasel Ryan has already endorsed The Leader while under duress, but now he is getting bold.

This man must be replaced. I want him out. I don’t ever want to see another picture of his face or hear about his faggot, cuckold, anti-American views.

Washington Post:

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday that Donald Trump’s attacks on a federal judge, citing his Mexican heritage, constituted “the textbook definition of a racist comment,” but Ryan said he would continue to back the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

“It’s absolutely unacceptable,” he said. “But do I think Hillary Clinton is the answer? No, I do not.”

You know what’s unacceptable, Ryan?

Your ISIS terrorism agenda. Or any of your other agendas.

You need to get the hell out of America, and you need to do it quickly.

Ryan made his comments in the Anacostia neighborhood of Southeast Washington, where he ventured with other Republican lawmakers to introduce the first installment of a GOP policy agenda, laying out anti-poverty proposals.

The agenda, Ryan has said, is a bid to focus the presidential campaign on ideas rather than personalities. But Trump’s comments about the judge, Gonzalo Curiel of the U.S. District Court in San Diego, are the latest in a string of controversial comments that have put Ryan on the defensive.

The defense of the invasive Mexican infestation.

Ryan endorsed Trump last week, immediately before the businessman sharpened his attacks on Curiel, accusing the Indiana-born judge of ruling unfairly in a civil case against Trump concerning Trump University because he is “Mexican,” and Trump is proposing tough immigration policies along the U.S.-Mexico border.

He is “Mexican.” And “Mestizo.”


He looks White to me.” -Paul Ryan

Just like if I go to China with my American girlfriend and she gives birth to our baby, he will be “American” and “White.”

“I’m building a wall,” Trump told the Wall Street Journal last week. “It’s an inherent conflict of interest.”

“I do absolutely disavow those comments. I think they’re wrong. I don’t think they’re rightheaded. And the thinking behind it is something that I don’t personally relate to,” Ryan said. “But at the end of the day, this is about ideas, this is about moving our agenda forward, and that’s why we’re moving the way we’re moving.”

Ryan acknowledged that Trump’s comments have undercut his quest to put forth his policy agenda: “I’m not even going to pretend to defend them, I’m going to defend our ideas.”

Pressed by a reporter on how he can support Trump in spite of his “textbook” racist comments, Ryan said, “I don’t know what’s in his heart but I think that comment itself is defined that way.”

The filthy kike-lover and spic-fetishist John McCain also came out with vitriolic hatred for Trump (and Whites in general), endorsing the terrorist Mexican judge as a hero of American freedoms.

Every single shill enemy has lined-up against us.

It is us, the PEOPLE and the LEADER against the entire world.

But we shall be victorious.