No, Daily Stormer Wasn’t Hacked Again

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 21, 2014

The internet does not belong to you.
The internet does not belong to you.

We had some downtime for the last 8 hours or so.  Just wanted to announce that this wasn’t due to an attack, it was simply an issue of me not exactly understanding how to operate the new interfaces and then accidentally falling asleep after having been sleep deprived for several days.

Forgive me for that.

Here are some other updates:

Troll Forum

I haven’t assigned the second round of Troll Forum accounts yet, meaning if you requested one in the last week or ten days you haven’t gotten one.  It isn’t an error or a rejection, just that I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Don’t worry – there isn’t much going on there yet.

Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch

What is Russell Brand doing cuddling up to Luciana Berger??? Find out soon!
What is Russell Brand doing cuddling up to Luciana Berger??? Find out soon!

This operation is ongoing.  The second stage was ready to launch on Tuesday, when we got attacked.  What a coincidence, huh?

This new Anonymous sure is intent on protecting Jews from criticism.

Site Issues

If you are having any site issues, please report in the official site issues thread, and we’ll get them worked out.

If you are getting database error messages, try cleaning your cache and deleting site data.  It seems to be happening in both IE and Chrome (PC version, not Android version), but I was able to fix it


As always, contributions are appreciated.  It’s what keeps the site running. And suffice to say, running costs just went up a bit.

If you can help, go to this page.

Every little bit helps.

Infinite thank yous to everyone who has and does contribute.

Android 5.0

Imagine the good Google could do if we could get it out of the hands of these rat Jews.
Imagine the good Google could do if we could get it out of the hands of these rat Jews.

I’m really loving this Android Lollipop.  It’s like having a whole new phone with a year old phone.  Just wanted to say that.  Though if you’ve got an Android phone and haven’t updated yet, I’d recommend waiting a couple days, as it does have a few bugs.

What is Anonymous?

With the attacks, many people are wondering what exactly “Anonymous” is.

We have posted some material from Encyclopedia Dramatica on the topic here.

In short, it is not an actual group, and anyone at all can get involved and start calling themselves that.  Traditionally, it was basically a trolling organization which emerged from 4chan.  Trolls tend to be right-wingish, or at least apolitical and completely politically incorrect.  Then after a bunch of people in V for Vendetta masks failed to convince Ron Paul to blow up the British Parliament in 2008, a bunch of social justice warriors started using the label to push for justice for Trayvon.  Now, as you have seen here, most of those using the label are pushing to silence anyone who questions the government and media, while hardly even putting on an air of being against the establishment.

Moving Forward

All of these bumps along the road are just growing pains.  We will continue to move forward, continue to grow and expand.

We cannot be stopped.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin