Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
March 22, 2014
In Tulsa, Oklahoma, Hispanic (mixed race) students are now the single most populous race in several Tulsa Public schools.

While the amount of students in the schools remain the same at 40,000 students, White students (and to a lesser extent Black students) have finished or left their schools, being replaced with non-White Hispanics; the group which has doubled from 2007 to a total of 11,694 students – making them over 25%.
Just a few decades ago, White students made the majority of almost every school in the United States, because that was the point – the US was supposed to be for White people, a group of White people wrote “for ourselves and posterity (children)”. If a group of Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Koreans were starting a country, and they said “this country is for us and our children” – then it is pretty obvious they’re setting up a country for Asian/Oriental people.
However, since that time a White genocide by massive immigration and forced assimilation has taken place – and is still ongoing to this day. The goal of which is to reduce White people to a minority in all countries across the planet, which already is coming into effect for Tulsa public schools.
16 out of about 75 schools are majority Hispanic, after White student enrollments decreased to 28%. Just two years ago, 10 schools were majority Hispanic – 6 schools have become Hispanic majority after just two years.
The 2010 Census reports that out of Tulsa’s 391,906 people, 63% were White, 16% were Black, 14% were Hispanic (the majority of which are mixed race and non-White).
Clearly, White people are severely under-represented in Tulsa schools, but it seems that no anti-Whites care when White people are not represented. After all, the opinions of the majority of White people were not respected when it came to White genocide.
The borders of just about every White country were forced open against public opposition.
Then, assimilation between White people and different races was forced, despite also being opposed, and which continues to be opposed to this day. It’s forced because we are not allowed one area of the planet to plant a flag in and say “for White children” – deliberately denying a group an area to preserve themselves would fit the United Nation’s definition of genocide.
Anti-Whites are trying to get rid of an entire race of people, or at least reduce us to a minority with no control over our destiny, why would they first ask us if that’s okay?!?