No Important Article Today. Instead: Updates and Apologies!

I do not have an article of any importance this Sunday. This is in keeping with my overall poor performance this week, for which I apologize.

For most news websites, the election season is peak season. Personally, I am very bored by it. Everything feels intensely gay and retarded. I am the only person saying the election is fake and people shouldn’t vote because even if it wasn’t fake, this “lesser of two evils in a democracy of values” system is stupid and evil.

The DNC was of no interest. I watched Kamala’s speech, and was going to write about it, but then I didn’t. There wasn’t anything interesting to say about it. I had a thing planned about how she has taken all of Donald Trump’s talking points, basically taken his entire thing, and is acting as though she had nothing at all to do with the last four years (which is true, presumably – the VP is not “second-in-command,” as was perhaps the original intention of the position, but rather someone who waits around in case the president dies).

She is talking about border security and being tough on crime, skipping all of the “woke” gibberish about trannies and feminism, and is differentiating herself from Trump based on abortion. But Trump is really not against abortion anymore, and went on a campaign a few months ago in support of abortion, even denouncing the six week bans.

On the most important issues of the day, which are related to geopolitics and the economic situation of most Americans, the two agree more or less completely. The only relevant argument between them is “who is better for the Jews?” Kamala isn’t really even leaning into the Ukraine thing. But she is all about Israel and the Jews.

The protests at the DNC were kind of lame. I was expecting a fiasco, and there was none. Some people got arrested, there were some clashes with the police, but it was all outside the convention, and the media was able to mostly just ignore it.

The Bobby Kennedy thing was perhaps interesting. I guess. He was talking about real issues in his Trump-endorsement speech. He talked about the Ukraine war, freedom of speech, and chronic disease, all of which are much more important than anything the other two are saying. But you would notice in Bobby’s speech, he didn’t mention the issue of BlackRock dominating the US economy and being poised to take over the entire country, owning everything and running America like a “private communism” country, where instead of the state owning everything, everything is owned by one Jew company, and it’s actually way more extreme than communism.

The reason Bobby in his endorsement of Trump didn’t talk about BlackRock is that Trump doesn’t care about that. Trump is actually getting money from these banker Jews. Maybe Trump would put Bobby in charge of Health and Human Services and nominally do something about like, sugary breakfast cereals for children or something. But he’s not going to have (BlackRock CEO) Larry Fink sanctioned or arrested for a conspiracy to establish a private communist regime in America.

Anyway. It’s hard to talk about the elections. Because I do not believe they are decided by voters. I don’t believe that at all.

Tough Week

Again, I apologize if the writing was garbage this week. I don’t really think it was garbage. But it was perhaps low-effort. I hope to do better next week.

No one can be on all the time, you know?

Dear Donors

I’m still working through the $500/hr calls. I should have asked for more money. If I didn’t respond to your message, please send one again this week, maybe Tuesday. I apologize to everyone who hasn’t gotten on the phone yet. It’s just really a lot of people. I didn’t expect this, or I would have asked for more money. Next time I will ask for more money, I think. This seems like a fair price, and it’s a way to make a living, given that this site makes no money and can’t really even pay for itself. But it’s supply and demand. If I don’t have enough time to do the calls then there is not enough supply to meet the demand.


I have an article that was supposed to be published today which will instead be published next week, because I have a plan to make these special Sunday pieces very high effort and more refined. I was gonna just post it today, half-cooked, like most of my articles, but I decided to hold off.

In the long run, Sunday should end up being everyone’s favorite day, because the long pieces are people’s favorite, and I’m planning on delivering the best long pieces ever each Sunday.

Things just got away from me this week.