Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 30, 2014

The above image is currently floating around in SJW circles. It’s especially great since they are oppressed brown people endorsing the child-love. Or wait, are Asians still oppress or do they now have White privilege? I can’t remember.
Anyway, when viewing the new Social Justice movement, which is for pedophiles, please remember goyim that the slippery slope does not exist and was only real in your mind so this is going to stop with boy-lovers and NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be extended to people who like to have sex with dogs or corpses or whatever.
You can rest assured, you filthy goyim dogs – the chosen people are looking out for your interests and would never Jew you.
People are commenting that this is photoshopped. I guess it probably is. However, it is getting passed around on Tumblr like it’s real, which is the point. Pedophile liberation is absolutely on the agenda for 2015, just like 2014 was the year of tranny lib.