‘No More Delay – Brexit Now’ Opposite Downing Street, Whitehall, London

Jez Turner
Daily Stormer
August 2, 2016

It is over a month since the British people voted to free themselves from the clutches of the anti-European, anti-White European Union and by so doing struck a blow for Identity against globalization, struck a blow to free themselves from the incipient neo-con politically correct one world tyranny, and by so doing struck dismay into the hearts of liberals everywhere; and yet Article 50, which would begin the process of Britain leaving, has still not been invoked.

The British people are used to being lied to, tricked and ignored by their political classes, but surely that self-same bunch of traitors would not dare to be so blatant as to ignore the outcome of the Brexit Referendum? The referendum that had a huge turnout and resulted in a clear majority to leave? The referendum that despite having an extensive and expensive campaign known as ‘Project Fear’ directed at the gullible and cowardly, threatening them with dire consequences if we left, still resulted in a clear majority voting for freedom?

Would they? You bet they would! For the puppet masters and their puppets have no shame, no honour, no decency and nothing, absolutely nothing is beneath them.

So it was then that on Friday 29th July The South East Alliance and other groups announced a rally opposite Downing Street to demand ‘No more delay – Brexit now!. The Marxist – Liberal reaction to the planned rally was outrage and they promptly booked a counter-demonstration to be held twenty yards from our own demonstration. The red websites and blogs buzzed with chatter and planning as to how they were going to stop, attack and destroy ‘the nazis. Many commentators expected a riot. And their fears were almost proved right.

Along came Friday and at 7pm forty patriots including myself, flags and banners proudly displayed set off from Trafalgar Square and marched down Whitehall, the centre of British Government, towards Downing Street – the official residence of the Prime Minister of Britain, Theresa May. Cameras flashed, the members of the press tripping over themselves, jostling to get footage, and by-standers smiled. As we got near Downing Street we approached th red demo and could hear their namby pamby high pitched whining. As we passed them the assembled rent-a-mob of Marxists broke into feminine frenzies of emotionally incontinent shouting, screaming and spitting. Insults were hurled, spirits ran high and the police did a good job keeping the two sides apart, arresting two of the opposition.

After we formed up opposite Downing Street (our numbers swelled by thirty more patriots who met us there), the police formed a buffer between the communists and ourselves, with many of ‘the boys in blue’ secretly smiling at the creative suggestions and highly eloquent, articulate and fruity banter that we shouted over their heads at the red robots who settled down into sullen mantra like chanting.

A speech by myself, was followed by a lady from the South East Alliance who talked about the Prisoners Support Group, which aims to help the Dover ‘No more refugees’ marchers, (and their families), who were arrested and imprisoned for over-zealously defending themselves and their friends, when outnumbered and attacked by balaclava clad, club wielding communist thugs who were attempting to prevent the lawfully approved marches and rallies from taking place.

Emma Foreman spoke next about why we must leave the EU and listed some of the more recent attacks that have been carried out across Europe by the non-white invaders.

Mac McElhinney of the South East Alliance rounded off the rally by thanking people for having the guts to turn up despite the threat of red violence and ended by saying that we would be back on the last Friday of every month until Article 50 is triggered.

A collection bucket went round and raised £122.47 for the Dover Marchers.

Just when we thought all the fun was over, along comes a 30 strong Black Lives Matter march – chanting, predictably, ‘Black Lives Matter’. You should have seen their faces when we began shouting ‘White Lives Matter’!! They ground to a halt like a startled elephant falling on its behind and stared at us. The reaction of the journalists accompanying them was priceless – their faces said it all ‘’Chanting black lives matter is good, chanting white lives matter is deplorable. How could we???’’

Very easily. When a black is stabbed to death in London by blacks it gets in the news – all the news. When a white is stabbed to death by blacks, which happens frequently, not only does it not make the national news, not only does it not make the London news, it doesn’t even make the borough level news. To our liberal elite white lives simply do not matter. We have to make way for the non-whites and whether we get killed or flee to the shires matters little to them. To take an example; Mrs Lawrence was made a Dame with a seat in the House of Lords when her son, Stephen Lawrence, was supposedly stabbed to death by a white gang – eventually an innocent white was convicted and imprisoned on trumped up, fake evidence. Monuments were set up in in Stephen Lawrence’s name, youth centres, charitable foundations etc. Mrs. Gregory on the other hand, a white woman living in the same area of London as the Lawrence family had two white sons stabbed to death within in a year of each other and both by non-whites, (two not just one), and no one has ever heard of her or her sons, and she has no seat in the House of Lords. (See my speech, below, in 2013 on this very same subject given at a meeting to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the election of Derek Beackon (the first elected BNP councillor)to Tower Hamlets council, in the East End of London.)

Eventually the ‘BLM’ group was shooed off by the police and we patriots were escorted in triumph, not without shouting our adieus to the Marxist mob, across the road to the very gates of Downing Street where four bemused, but slightly nervous machine gun toting police listened to our yells of ‘’We want Brexit’’ and ‘’No more refugees’’. From the bureaucratic offices of government net curtains twitched and heads peered around corners. Was Prime Minister Theresa May listening? Who knows, but Russia Today certainly was. A successful morale boosting day and another victory in our drive to transfer our mastery of internet into the mastery of our streets.

2013 Speech by Jez Turner at 13:17 point, highlighting the epidemic of whites being stabbed to death by blacks in random anti-white racist attacks.