No, Trump’s New Chief-of-Staff is Not a Jew

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 15, 2018

I don’t know who this guy is.

“Mick Mulvaney” sounded like an Irish name, and I did confirm that yes, he is an Irish Catholic. Which is pretty standard. The government and media as a rule only employs Jews, Catholics, Mormons, colored people and homosexuals.

He’s 51 years old.

I don’t know anything else about him, other than what I just read on the Wikipedia page and a couple news articles, which did not contain very much information at all.

He is the current budget director. Before that, also in the Trump administration, he was the director of the Office of Consumer Financial Protection. I don’t even know what that office is. I guess the name is self-explanatory, but it’s a low-level position that no one has ever heard of. His first position in the Trump administration was as the director of the Office of Management and Budget. Again, I’ve never heard of that.

He resigned from his position as a South Carolina Congressman to take a job in the Trump administration. And he moved around a lot, so I guess that’s good. Apparently some kind of clean-up man.

But still, having someone you’ve never heard of take a high-level position is strange. It might be good or bad, who knows.

The media will go into action now digging up various dirt on him, or just making outrageous baseless accusations. He was apparently accused of being involved in pay-to-play as a Congressman. Or I guess he just openly admitted to it.

Forbes, April 26, 2018:

The director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Mulvaney told the crowd this Tuesday that as a congressman, he only met with lobbyists who contributed to his campaign.

“We had a hierarchy in my office in Congress,” said Mulvaney, a former Republican lawmaker from South Carolina who is also the White House budget director. “If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you.

Mulvaney went on to urge bankers to keep up their campaign contributions if they wanted to help push through changes that effectively hobbled the banking watchdog agency.

So I guess that will be where they hit him first.

Maybe also get some bitch to say he grabbed her ass. Find something he said about the blacks when he was in college. Whatever.

If they don’t come out with any scandals – like they didn’t come out with any scandals about Mad Pit Bull (homosexual) or Nimrata Randhawa (heterosexual female pay-to-fuck politician) – then you’ll know he’s some type of Jewish shill.