No Comrade, You’re Not Banned

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2014

Ghost in the machine: I did not slam the banhammer.  This is some sort of automated AI banhammer, which has gone rogue
Ghost in the machine: I did not slam this banhammer. This is some sort of automated AI banhammer, which has gone rogue

In the ongoing saga of keeping this site online, we have now a bit more trouble.  Apparently, people are getting randomly blocked from reading/posting as a result of some behavior of the Cloudflare defense system.

I have a call in to get this worked out, but it could take a bit of time, so just so no one gets upset and/or confused, I am here announcing that no one is ever banned from viewing the site, and very few are ever banned from commenting, so if you are being told you’re banned, it is because of this glitch.

The good news is it seems that waiting a few minutes and reloading allows you back on the site.  I was myself banned, and it just had me enter a captcha.  If it doesn’t give you that option, just wait two to five minutes and reload.

And again, the bulk of it should be cleared up soon enough, though I suspect it will still happen sometimes, as there is no perfect way of determining what is good and what is bad traffic.

You can help speed up this process by sending me the following information if you get blocked by Cloudflare:

Screenshot from 2014-09-24 01:19:34
lol I don’t even know what this is.

Other Things

Speaking of Cloudflare, I want to remind the people that costs have recently gone up to deal with these attacks, and donations have not gone up to cover the difference.  So please, if you appreciate what we’re doing here, consider donating one time or signing up for a monthly subscription.  I hate asking, but it seems if I don’t, people forget or think we don’t need it.  We definitely do need it.  And every little bit helps.  If every person who reads daily donated a dollar a month, I would not only be secure but in fact rich.  But that doesn’t happen.  So don’t assume that others will donate if you don’t.

Unlike every other news site, both alternative and mainstream, we do not have ads.  We also have may fewer contributors than other sites.  And yet in my opinion, and presumably yours as well, we do a better job than any of the other news sites on the web.  It’s a whole lot of work, which I surely don’t mind, but it is nice to not have to worry about the bills every week.

Though I am happy for them, I was a bit disappointed in our own readers when I saw that VDARE has just raised nearly $30,000 in a donation drive.

Maybe I need more pictures of babies or more threats to shut down.
Maybe I need more pictures of babies or more threats to shut down.

VDARE has less than ten percent of the traffic we have, yet they are clearly getting much more than ten times the donations we get.

Daily Stormer
Daily Stormer

Granted, I would never even consider holding the site for ransom or threaten to shut it down if I didn’t get more cash (not insulting VDARE, I obviously support them, just saying I wouldn’t do that), but it seems like the amount of traffic should really equal a higher amount of donations.

But maybe this site is mainly read by people who hate me personally for some reason, yet still believe it is a very good site and read it every day.

Basically, every "White Nationalist" who has ever written hate mail to me, attacking me as a person, claiming I am some secret agent or Jew because of my jacket or whatever, has also said they read the site daily.
Basically, every “White Nationalist” who has ever written hate mail to me, attacking me as a person, claiming I am some secret agent or Jew because of my jacket or whatever, has also said they read the site daily.

Anyway, whatever.  It’s up to you guys.  Like I say, I’m not going to shut the site down because of a lack of funds, the worst thing that could happen would be that I would have to work on it less in order to produce an income to cover the costs.

I don’t do this for money, so even if I had to pay for everything myself, I would keep on running it.  I do this for love alone.  The donations simply make it much easier for me to focus on this most important of tasks.

Forgive me then, I just needed to vent a bit.

For those interested, there are PayPal options at the top of the right sidebar, or you can send something through the mail to this address:

Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio

Thank you.

Andrew Anglin