Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 10, 2014

It is the fault of the White man that Blacks and other non-Whites, as well as women are incapable of competing in science and the arts, the Telegraph has explained to us.
It must be some type of evil conspiracy. That is the only possible explanation.
Just five per cent of almost 900 Nobel Prizes distributed to the most brilliant minds in peace, literature, science and economics over the past century have been awarded to women.
Of 867 prestigious awards distributed since 1901, just 46 have been awarded to women, starting with Marie Curie who won the prize for physics alongside her husband Pierre in 1903 and again for chemistry in 1911.
Since then, 15 women have also been awarded the Nobel prize for scientific pursuits – compared to more than 500 men. A dozen have received the award for literature, 14 for peace and one for economics.
Geographical analysis by the Telegraph has also revealed that western countries have received a disproportionately high number of awards throughout the Nobel’s history.

We need to do something about these White men. Maybe we could just gas them all. Or, conversely, White women could just refuse to have sex with them, breed with the apes instead. That’ll do em in right quick.
The world will finally be perfect when all of these oppressive White Males who never did anything of value are finally gone forever.