Nog Kills White Father Before Blaming FBI Eye-Camera Technology

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2018

On one hand, nogs are known to lie and/or be insane.

On the other hand, it is possible that the FBI or CIA niggers are putting eye cameras in homeless people to test new equipment…

We need to wait for Terry Davis to weigh in on this.


The homeless man suspected of fatally stabbing a man who was sitting with his young daughter and wife on the Ventura boardwalk ranted about the FBI and eye cameras at a hearing Friday.

After the initial arraignment was delayed, Jamal Jackson appeared in court without an attorney and refused the public defender’s assistance. He said he had an attorney but couldn’t remember his first name, adding the lawyer chose to investigate the case rather than appear in court Friday.

Jackson, 49, then went on a rant about being in the FBI, saying that he had a camera implanted in his eye. At one point, the homeless man told the public defender to stop talking to him. He claimed couldn’t hear the attorney because of ringing in his ear as he poked his finger in it.

“Mr. Jackson lost his hearing, he claimed, and he said the hearing thing […] he did not want the public defender to speak for him. He did not want the public defender, he wanted his attorney,” said Ventura County Senior Deputy District Attorney Richard Simon. “And then he started rambling about cameras in his eyes and the FBI talking to him.”

Jackson is accused of killing Anthony Mele outside the Aloha Steakhouse near Ventura Promenade on the evening of April 18. The 35-year-old was dining with his wife and 5-year-old daughter, who was on his lap, when Jackson allegedly stabbed him in the neck with a knife.