Nog Serial Rapist Finally Caught After Kidnapping and Raping Multiple Women in the Early 2000s

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2018

Stephret Harvey.

Blacks are rapists, murderers, thieves and arsonists.

Get them the hell out and send them back to wherever they came from.


Stephret Harvey, 40, was sentenced to a total of 40 years in connection to the kidnap and rape of two teenage women in separate attacks in the early 2000s after pleading guilty to two counts each of forcible rape and second-degree kidnapping Monday (Jan. 22).

Harvey was originally charged with two counts each of first-degree rape and aggravated kidnapping and was faced with a mandatory life-sentence if found guilty as charged. Instead, Harvey agreed to a deal with the District Attorney’s office, which lessened the charges and sentence in exchange for a guilty plea.

Court records show Harvey was previously accused in another rape case in November 1990. In June 1991, Harvey accepted a plea agreement with then District Attorney Harry Connick, in which he was offered a sentence of four years for one count of armed robbery.

Harvey was indicted earlier that year on one count of second-degree rape and two counts of armed robbery, court records show. The rape and one of the robbery charges was dropped as part of Harvey’s agreement with Connick’s office.